The Poverty Mindset

The Poverty Mindset

Do you know someone who is always asking for help? They’re always behind on things and just can’t seem to ever get ahead. They constantly want you to do for them but don’t want to do for themselves? When the suggestion comes up for them to do for themselves, they come up with every excuse why they can’t do it?

Could this someone maybe even be you?

“Many think that the cause of poverty is lack of money.” Well, think about this statement for a minute. If you really think about it, you’ll realize that the lack of money can actually be a result of an action that causes poverty. I personally feel that the real cause of one living in poverty is a person’s attitude and belief system. If an individual is brought up around poverty beliefs and poverty behavior, their mindset can become the same.

This might sound harsh, but it can sometimes seem impossible for that person to try to see for themselves they are where they are because of their very own belief system. They want better, but they want it given to them. Take a look at those who are successful today. What I’m about to say may hurt some, but it’s something that I’ve found to be true. There are many successful people who have had to part ways with people close to them, sometimes even their very own family in order to obtain the success they strived for. It can be very draining and discouraging when you have a loved one who is constantly laying their problems onto you or constantly asking you if they can borrow something. It can also become frustrating when you try to teach them how to get ahead, but they make up excuses on why they can’t do what you are teaching them. Some of the times, they are looking for the short cut to things or the cheap, easy way out. In a sense, they are still getting a short cut or cheap, easy way out because you are taking the time to teach them for free instead of them paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars to learn from someone else.

So if you’ve renewed your mind from having that poverty mindset and are on your way to living the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed about living, congratulations on this great accomplishment! Focusing on becoming the head and not the tail creates an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and if you continue to stay focused and believe in yourself, the sky’s the limit!