The Process Of God For Putting On The New Man After Salvation

The Process Of God For Putting On The New Man After Salvation

What else are you to do now you’re saved? As a believing Christian, you need to know that old things are passed away and that all things have become new in your life. However, this can only be manifested physically when you put off the old man and put on the new man. This post gives you the process of God for putting on the new man after salvation

But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

– Ephesians 4:20-24 NKJV


Every day, you have opportunities to behave like your old self or to behave like a true child of God you have become. So, you have to consciously decide who to obey, whether to obey your old master the devil, or obey God your new Master. However, knowing whom you have given your life to will help you to choose well. Therefore put your trust in Christ Jesus your Saviour.

The Truth Is In Christ

Jesus is the Way, Truth, and the Life. So, the truth is in Him, and it’s revealed in His life and personified in Him. And the truth is in the word of God, for Jesus is the Word. So, following Christ’s instructions ensures that you walk in the truth too.

The Process Of God For Putting On The New Man After Salvation

1. Hear And Be Taught By Him The Word

When you listen to God’s word, you’re listening to Jesus. And in the word, Christ teaches you the way of life of the kingdom of God. Also, in the word, He tells you the truth that the enemy will not want you to know. This is because knowing the truth will make you free from the bondage and oppression of the devil. This covers any area of your life.

2. Put off the old man

So, as you hear from the Lord the way to live, you need to put off your old self and disregard your former way of living. For this old nature grows corrupt according to the deceitful desires of the flesh. So, you must consciously, by the help of the Holy Spirit, refuse to satisfy your fleshly desires. Therefore, always say NO to any pressure to continue in your old ways of life. And the good news is that as a child of God, you’re empowered to overcome sin.

3. Renew In The Spirit Of Your Mind

Continually get renewed in the spirit of your mind, for you’re what you think. As you meditate on God’s word you flush out the old man’s way of thinking and replace it with the new man’s way of thinking.

4. Put On The New Man

Then, with your renewed mind put on the new man, which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. So, you also need to consciously, by the help of God, choose to do things that depict righteousness and holiness. For it is your responsibility to say YES to the right things no matter the pressure to say NO to it. And the good news is that any time you stand for the right thing, God backs you up. This may not be obvious, but in the end, it will surely show that you made the right choice.


He was a man who chose to do righteousness no matter the cost when he decided not to sleep with Potiphar’s wife. And the first result of this decision was imprisonment. Surely, in the eyes of the world, it wasn’t a good choice. But, the scripture tells us that after some time, he encountered someone in the prison whom God used to elevate him. And Potiphar and his wife became subject to him. Hallelujah! It pays to put on the new man.


Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has done all He has to do for you to live a victorious life and enjoy eternal life in Christ. However, it’s your responsibility to walk in the victory He has purchased for you by His blood. This you can effectively achieve by learning from the Lord, putting off the old man, renewing your mind, and putting on the new man. This is the process of God for putting on the new man after salvation. And the truth is that you’re empowered to achieve these by the Holy Spirit. So, choose today to put off the old self and continually put on the new self.