The Secret to Weight Loss Through Right Thinking

The Secret to Weight Loss Through Right Thinking

Is it really true that your thoughts can affect your weight, your health and every other aspect of your life? Are our thoughts really that powerful?

Believe it! In Romans 12:2, God tells us that transformation happens by the renewing of our minds. The same mind that set us following negative patterns is the same mind that can transform our mind into the mind of Christ!

According to research by Dr. Ben Johnson (the only known person to ever cure himself of Lou Gehrig’s disease, through a healing system based on belief in God’s healing power), 95% of all sickness and disease comes from wrong beliefs.

Dr. Johnson’s research concludes that we perform harmful and wrong actions such as unhealthy eating because of wrong or unhealthy beliefs that we have, like these: exercise hurts; junk foods make me feel better; I can’t control myself; or I’m not good enough. Our wrong beliefs usually stem from a hurtful past experience that we may not even be aware of but yet it controls part of our life, our belief system and our actions.

So how can we start to heal something that we might not even be aware of?

The secret lies in the word of God! It is the only medicine powerful enough to remedy our wrong beliefs about ourselves.

Here are two important action steps to help you transform your mind that we teach in the ‘Healthy By Design’ program.

1. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal all known and unknown negative beliefs related to your weight release or other health issues.

2. Choose some scripture that will counteract the negative beliefs, emotions or actions that you experience.

Here are a few of my scriptures:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.

I am a new creation in Jesus and old things are passed away.

I confess my sins and forsake them and God is faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

I am an over-comer because of the blood of Jesus that was shed for me.

I encourage you to use these, or even better-take some time with God today and ask Him to show you some scriptures that will minister to you.

I wish you all the best in your weight release efforts!