The Technology Review of Panasonic TC-P65S2

The Technology Review of Panasonic TC-P65S2

Everybody sure does want to watch TV shows in a splendid display that the latest technology has to offer. And there is nothing better for the best home viewing than what Panasonic has to offer. The world leading company of TV maker has come again based on its award winning 2009 Plasma line with the latest Panasonic TC-P65S2.

This one product comes in a fantastic 65-inch Plasma HDTV with lots of fabulous features that stresses the importance of offering a sharper image in any kind of environments. Now let us check what this product’s technology has to offer one after another.

1. The NeoPDP technologies

This one technology may have been the one that you should reconsider when you decided to buy this product. The Plasma panel’s cell structure has been redesigned with an innovative new filter that made this television tripled its luminous efficiency. The result is a magnificent set of image display with the best balance of black and white, even under the brightest environment.

This technology is also responsible in making this one product highly efficient in the energy output compare to the other televisions. Having a powerful TV doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice the environment.

2. 1080 picture resolutions

This one feature combined with the NeoPDP offers you the best mixture of what the technology has to offer when it comes to the high speed drive performance. It’ll make every single motion that comes in a fast movement scene like sports and action films appear perfectly. It will be guaranteed that you will not see any glitches because the entire performances are just as clear as a crystal.

3. 600Hz Sub-field Drive

It is responsible in making the 1080p resolutions television present the superb full-HD motion. It reduces the after-effects that often come when each motion in the televisions is converted into data. It will make each frame displayed in a shorter length of time that will surely bring you the best motion image that a television has to offer.

4. Game Mode

This feature is built for the enjoyment of hard gamers. Many games are displayed in a darker image. That is why the Panasonic TC-P65S2 can produce the dark images more clearly when the console is attached to the TV. It sure is fantastic isn’t it?

Those are all the technologies that this product has to offer. With a combination of the latest technology in television industries, this one product sure is worth every penny of your money.