The Three Types of Romantic Relationships

The Three Types of Romantic Relationships

There are basically three types of relationships:

1. Emotional

2. Sexual

3. Financial

That’s it. There are relationships for emotional gratification, sexual gratification, and financial gratification. If you are in a relationship with a person, it will be for at least one of these three reasons. The problems come when the two parties have different relationship agendas. A woman may be dating a man because he is paying her bills, and he may be dating her strictly for the sex. Or a woman might be dating a guy whom she’s emotionally attached to, while he is dating her because she gives him a couple of dollars every now and then. In the ideal relationship the two people dating are on the same page emotionally, sexually, and financially. If there is a deficiency in any one of these areas, and the deficiency has not been rectified, the relationship will be temporary.

So ladies, when you start dating a man, you must first be real (with yourself especially) about what your true agenda is. If you are dating a man strictly because of his financial contributions, acknowledge that to yourself. Don’t try to justify your agenda by getting into a superficial relationship with the person and deceiving yourself into believing that you can learn to like other qualities about the person. You must also figure out what the other person’s true agenda is. Don’t leave it up to them to tell you.

In any game, you have to at least play good defense until you are absolutely sure that the other person is willing to be on the same team as you. When you first meet a person, you can’t tell if they are with you or against you. And if someone has plans to get over on you, or to get what they can from you without reciprocating, they damn sure aren’t going to tell you this up front. Over 90 percent of all communication is nonverbal. So it’s up to you to look and listen very closely to a person’s nonverbal language (and not your own hopes and expectations) so you can figure out where they are coming from.