The Tide of Wokisum

The Tide of Wokisum

Everything has gone Woke crazy. There are a lot of ridiculous things going on in the tide of stupid Wokisum. Violence, the pulling down of historic statues, trying to change history, even down to trying to ban books for in fact no good reason. The final straw as far as I am concerned was wokisum trying to ban British comedy, British people are known for being tongue in cheek and on the sarcastic side.

Every day something is badly affected by wokisum! Things such as President Biden taking down Winston Churchill’s bust, disgusting, some friend!

Do you want to live in a country that is a dictatorship?

Do you want to live in a country that does not allow young girls to be properly educated?

Do you want to see the UK turn into a third world country?

Well, wokisum means the above!

Well, I do not, and I will fight to keep our freedoms if I must, how about you?

EastEnder’s screenwriters it would appear are in fact being subdued because of this wokisum, “John Altman says “the soap is losing viewers because it has lost the ability to tell new stories or break new ground.”

Woke is now known to really be Identity Politics, because PC has so far left as to be ridiculous, wokes have used it to further their political agenda, which looks like communism, read “Animal Farm” by George Orwell and you may understand me.

When the Wokes try to ban all sorts of preposterous things, when they pull down historic statues, when they try to dictate what normal British people think, say, or do; Wokes will eventually be exposed for what they really are.

Woke people feel they are in the right; they go along in the belief that what they are doing is good and proper. They do not consider the other side of the coin.

Woke people think that going on protest marches, behaving in a manner that is considered by others to be a breach of the piece is just well and good, fine to destroy along the way, shops, and other people’s property.

I find it horrendous that so many people have allowed themselves to be hoodwinked by the smokescreen of the tide of wokisum. I say smokescreen because it is as if they have had blinkers on,wokes use emotional blackmail to get people to join them and behave as they dictate. Are you a woke, and if so do you realize that you have you been rounded up like blind sheep?

I would love to know your opinion either way as I would like to try to understand why anyone would want to give up their freedom of speech and choice?

It is not diversity to drop 14 white musicians from the English Touring Opera’s Orchestra, their Director James Conway said “that they would not be hired for the 2022 season as it prioritised increased diversity in the orchestra, saying that this was in line with firm guidance or the Arts Council “.

This excrement must be stopped. There was white supremacy over 100 a hundred years ago, but in the main British white people are not all racist these days. People have had enough of this disgraceful, unacceptable, obnoxious behaviour! If it gets worse people will turn against each other and we could even end up with civil war.