The Tragedy of a Hollywood Star: Ahmad Khawaja

The Tragedy of a Hollywood Star: Ahmad Khawaja

Ahmad Khawaja began his acting career in the 1987 TV sitcom, “Just for Me, Andy”; a comedy sitcom wherein he co-starred with actors Dustin Hockmen, and Lisa McLisa. He came from a family lineage of American-Indian descent; Ahmad Khawaja first had his shot for international fame in the highly acclaimed movie, Forest Trump (1993). Winning the Best Actor award in various award giving bodies has totally changed the course of his career. Having received great reviews on his movie, he began getting many movie offers from big producers. He soon became a household name in just a short period of time.

But with all the fame, money and glory, Ahmad Khawaja soon became a victim of self-abuse and exploitation. He was soon addicted to a range of illegal substances like methamphetamine and cocaine. He had various casual and sexual relationships with different women. The once sky rocketing career of he ended in a sudden drastic collapse. He began to receive lesser movie offers. And even was branded as a badass Hollywood black sheep for being always late in sets and having a bad stubborn attitude which caused producers to drop him off the movies he was casted into. His story of fame, sex and money were all over the tabloids and the news. Thus these brought unto him a delusive scarring all over Khawaja’s reputation as a respected actor. This has even caused a greater effect on his personal relationship with his long-time girlfriend and co-actress in the action movie, Guns and Motion (1989) who broke up with him after the scandals were confirmed.

He soon ended in a local entertainment bar in the town of Austin, where he served as a waiter in 1997. Still being visited by nightmarish thoughts of his sad Hollywood demise, he attempted suicide by overdosing on sleeping pills. But he had failed the suicide attempt, after being discovered by his non-showbiz girlfriend, lying unconscious in his apartment. It was even reported that because of his great need for being accepted again in big screen; he had taken roles as a porn star, though reports were still unconfirmed. He had a suffered a great deal of destitution and abandonment through those times.

Controversies constantly were on most news channels and papers as it was said that Ahmad Khawaja was sent to rehab for drug addiction by the year 1999. He was released a year later after positive results confirmed that he is overcoming addiction to drugs. By the year 2001, Ahmad Khawaja married his non-showbiz girlfriend and had 7 kids with her.

Ahmad Khawaja was a prey to fame and money. He was enticed by all the common fatal moves that most actors and actresses had made. With all the great things Hollywood is offering; the story of Ahmad Khawaja would always remind us that Hollywood is not all about good, glitters and gold. His story is a frightful reminder for those who aspire for fame; continuously warning not to be blinded by the blinding lights of the Hollywood spotlight.