The Tragic Truth And The Solution For Humanity

The Tragic Truth And The Solution For Humanity

Even though we know that our organism already produces everything we need, we believed that dreams were useless and meaningless images produced by our imagination.

The truth is that all dreams have a protective function, exactly like the pain we feel in our body when there is a problem with our organism.

Today we know that the unconscious mind is the dream producer and not our imagination.

We also know that the unconscious mind discovered by Carl Jung is God's mind, and that Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation accurately translates God's words in dreams, since I simplified and clarified his work after discovering the existence of a primitive conscience in our brain, which has satanic characteristics.

We are in fact terrible demons with a tiny human conscience. This description seems to be offensive for the human being, but now that the evil content hidden into the unknown region of the human psyche was discovered we must humbly recognize the truth.

The horrors of the world and our indifference to these horrors prove that we really have a satanic nature.

Our goodness is false, temporary, and it depends on the advantages we will have, either directly or indirectly.

The human race is far from being composed by creatures that have a human heart. We are in fact selfish vampires with a human face. This description corresponds to the truth, even though it seems to be very offensive, especially because we are proud of our intelligence, besides being basically idiotic.

This truth was discovered thanks to the continuation of Carl Jung's research and the information found in dreams. Our human conscience is a thin cover that hides a terrible demon, which occupies the biggest part of our brain.

All dreams try to help our conscience eliminate the demon (our satanic anti-conscience) through consciousness.

We are incorrigible demons that don't want to stop being violent, but God manages to help us understand the importance of goodness thanks to His explanations in dreams.

We can stop being monsters, find sound mental health, and attain sanctity when we obey God's guidance because God makes miracles. Otherwise, we would never be able to stop being violent.

We must be more than grateful because God managed to discover the power of goodness and He is sharing His wisdom with us, even though we are incorrigible demons and we don't want to learn His lessons.

Most dreams reflect:

* Our absurdity

* Our evilness

* Our stupidity and your mistakes

* The dangers that are threatening our mental health and our future

We live in order to eliminate our anti-conscience and become really human, so that we may attain sanctity and stop being crazy demons. This is a very strange statement, but it explains a scientifically proven truth. We really are cruel and selfish.

This shocking scientific discovery proves that Satan exists, since it occupies the biggest part of our brain.

The religions of the world were created by God with the intention to cure our mental illnesses and help us stop being absurd and evil.

All dreams have a therapeutic effect because God sends us in dream messages the information we need in order to be able to understand the real meaning of goodness.

Our conscience must tame and transform the demon that lives in our brain into a human being by obeying God's guidance in our dreams and in our religion.

All dreams give us specific explanations about our mental health problems, showing us how we can acquire sound mental mental health and become brilliant human beings.