The Truth Behind ‘The 27 Club’

The Truth Behind ‘The 27 Club’

If you have never heard of ‘The 27 Club’, then I will quickly fill you in. It has been noted that a select group of musicians have all met untimely deaths at the age of 27 (the most recent of these being the late Amy Winehouse). So does the number 27 have any mystical significance in this? Or can the whole idea of ‘The 27 Club’ be put down to pure chance?

Well, no-one can say for sure whether there is any real meaning to the number 27, least of all those who have been unfortunate enough to die at this tender age. You could also ask if there are any supernatural links to the number 7; after all, this has long been viewed by many people as a ‘lucky’ number…

But looking at ‘The 27 Club’ in a logical way may help you to draw your own conclusions. Robert Johnson, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain may all have died at the aforementioned age, but a great many other equally talented musicians have died at either side of this ‘spooky’ number.

Over the years the music industry has mourned Nick Drake (aged 26), Ian Curtis (aged 23), Jim Croce (aged 30), Glenn Miller (aged 40) and Eddie Cochran (aged 21). Not to mention Sam Cooke (aged 33), Ronnie Van Zant (aged 29), Michael Hutchence (aged 37) and Michael Jackson (aged 50). That in itself is longer than the membership list of ‘The 27 Club’ and there are many others who could be mentioned besides.

The long and the short of it is this; a lot of us human beings simply love to search for mystery, conspiracy or pure good old-fashioned weirdness in just about every area of life. This just appears to be something that is inbuilt in many of us. This is why so many people will convince themselves that the atrocity of the Twin Towers was ‘staged’, that aliens have walked among us since the Roswell incident or that ‘secret’ premonitions can be revealed if a dollar bill is folded in a particular manner!

It is all too easy to become caught-up with strange ideas, no matter how bizarre they sound and we should always remember this. So, although it is impossible to explain the real truth behind ‘The 27 Club’, it does appear to be sheer coincidence more than anything else. And that will disappoint a lot of readers. After all, life would be so much more exciting if we knew that ghosts, aliens and magical numbers were REAL, wouldn’t it?