The Uses of Adult Bibs and Clothes Protectors, Options for Older People and People With Disabilities

The Uses of Adult Bibs and Clothes Protectors, Options for Older People and People With Disabilities

Adult bibs, now known as clothes protecors, have been designed and developed to allow older people to feel comfortable and in control while eating and drinking. They can also be used by disabled people including those living with the after effects of a stroke, cerebral palsy or other impairments. Using clothes protectors ensure clothes stay dry if drooling is a problem. Traditionally considered as an item used by babies and young children, there are adult versions designed which are not only developed with prevent accidents with food but with independence, dignity and comfort in mind.

Types of Adult Bib

There are a range of different types of bib on the market that may appeal to different users and their caregivers. Most of the designs can be adapted so they are accessible for all without looking medical. They are a form of adaptive clothing that assist and help for different users with personal care needs.

Tabard Style

Tabard Style Bibs may be popular with wheelchair users as they’re easy to slip on and off while seated without too much trouble and can be put on when getting dressed if needed or just used for mealtimes. Users can remain in their seat whilst the tabard is put on or removed. They’re also great for use in hospitals as a patient can have them quickly slipped on with no trouble to allow for eating and the majority available are washing machine friendly and waterproof.

Traditional Style

Traditional Style Bibs are very much like those used by young children and are often found in residential care environments. They are completely adequate for avoiding food spillage although many are made from a thin plastic or towelling material which means they do need changing relatively regularly. What’s more, the need to tie them at the back of the neck means they can’t necessarily be used by people who have difficulty with weakness in their grip, cannot reach easily or are hemiplegic. Like most adaptive clothing, velcro is often used to assist and help make them easy to attach at the back.

Pashmina Style

Most popular with ladies and specifically from the Bibetta brand, Pashmina style items are completely discrete and allow for a fashionable and attractive addition to any outfit. Appearing like a regular scarf but featuring all the qualities of a decent adult bib, including waterproof layers, this style of bib allows for no anxiety at all in any environment. It can be popped on when dressing in the morning or just for meal times.

When to use Adult Bibs and Why

There are many occasions when an adult bib might be deemed necessary. During the stroke recovery period it can be extremely upsetting and uncomfortable for the person who has suffered the stroke and their family, especially if dribbling has become an issue. An adult bib can make it easy to discretely ensure this is kept under wraps without wetting through clothes and causing even more discomfort. This can also be something to consider for others who live with disabilities which mean drooling is a regular occurrence.

Equally, an adult bib gives protection from spills and scalds when eating and drinking. Popping on your bib means you are protected if you live with tremors or involuntary spasms and often have little accidents. Your clothing is protected and you can feel more comfortable eating whilst out and about in time. Most can be easily stored away in your bag so you can just pull them out when you need them and safely secure them at other times. It makes dining in public easier and less of a worry.

As already mentioned adult bibs are also a great idea for hospital use and also in residential care environments, where they can ensure caregivers are able to provide meals and drinks to patients, who have difficulty feeding themselves, without the risk of spillage or causing injury.

Using Clothes Protectors in Everyday Life

Bibs are far from something that just babies used and they should be considered a helpful additional accessory for many people living with disabilities rather than something to be ashamed or uncomfortable about. Like many other pieces of adaptive and supportive equipment, adult bibs and clothe protectors can become something used on a daily basis that makes a huge difference.