The "Weed" of Destruction

The "Weed" of Destruction

Weed, grass or “sensi”, are some of the local names that has been attributed to the marijuana plant. For decades this herb has been smoked or made into a tea and drunk, all with the same aim in mind “to achieve a high”.

Now this is quite a potent hallucinogenic plant and has been know to induce all manner of crazy thoughts in the minds of the user, and if you are close enough to the user to inhale some of it you will experience some of that high also. Now This drug has been know to cause kids to go off on tangents in school and relax that much valued intensity needed to accomplish learning.

Many kids have dropped out of schools due to loss of interest induced by the use of this drug. Still, there are all kinds of defense mounted for this drug, and its effects, its connoisseurs say that it is harmless, and its effects wears off much too quickly after use to cause any damage to an individual. This is so wrong, when a kid gets on this drug he gets addicted to it, and fifty percent of them will go on to experiment with the much more potent drugs, eventually getting hooked on that too, subsequently spiraling straight down to the realm of the common junkie whom has very little hope of redemption.

So Marijuana is not harmless, far from it, and we should endeavor to keep it from the reach of our young ones if we are striving for the optimum and successful continuity of humanity.