The Weed Smokers Relapse Trap

The Weed Smokers Relapse Trap

Almost 90% of chronic weed smokers have failed at quitting smoking pot on their first attempt. This really does go to prove that weed is an addictive substance. Whether the addiction is psychological or a physical one, the source of the addiction doesn’t really matter. What does matter is getting over it!

Relapsing can be devastating to your own self confidence and self belief. When you relapse, you end up saying to yourself that you cannot quit. After all, you’ve just proved it to yourself – that you weren’t strong enough or didn’t have the right amount of willpower.

This type of attitude can lead you down one of several routes;

  • You will get even more inspired to quit since you tried and failed and now have even more determination to succeed than ever before.
  • You will become chronically depressed at your failure and sink into a depressed and lethargic state.
  • You will spend even more time smoking than you did before, because you’ve proved to yourself that you can’t quit so you may as well just smoke for the rest of your life!

When I first tried to give up smoking pot, I started sinking into depression, but I also started to smoke more than I ever had done! I was trying to use marijuana as a way to cover my feelings of failure.

Most addicts are using drugs to cover an emotion or to fill a void in their life. I was using marijuana as the excuse to make up for everything else that was wrong in my life. It was my way of forgetting everything, just for a little while.

The fact of the matter is that relapses will occur, but only if you are not fully prepared and haven’t done your homework beforehand. If you can see that you are addicted to weed and feel that you would have a problem giving up, then you should always seek advice before you start. That was my mistake! I did not start by finding out ways to get rid of cravings and withdrawals. I did not find out how I could prevent sleep loss. I did not find out how to ensure that I would not relapse! All of these discoveries came to me after I had tried and failed several times before.

Knowledge will help protect you against failures. One man may be rich and another man may be poor. The difference between them is their knowledge and mindset.