The Womb of the Holy Spirit

The Womb of the Holy Spirit

The Womb of the Holy Spirit:

To every man born into planet earth, genealogy and lineage count. Without which the relevance of the person becomes questionable. As a matter of facts no one comes to the world without a lineage. The existence of this lineage however tells a lot to the composition of our present and our future. Your lineage tells so much on your person, colour, health, location and so on. Who gave birth to you determine your person to a reasonable extent but who you are or become is a matter of your choice. In my local dialect, an adage says, your parents may have given birth to you, that, you may not have any choice, that may have been determined but you have a chance to be reborn. Consciously or not every man goes through second birth where you refuse to allow the prevailing circumstances that have govern your first birth to determine who you are. However, this second birth needs a new womb. The question is which womb is giving you the chance of a second birth?

The Womb of the Holy Spirit:

Jesus told one of the renowned leaders of his time, the need to have a rebirth. He was puzzled, his senses could not fathom the statement. He questioned the logic behind such statement. He concluded that man can only have a single birth and that no second birth is logically attainable. While he concluded that there was no second chance for man, Jesus told him that man can attain a second grace by a new birth.

“Jesus answered, ‘I am telling you the truth no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again…how can a grown man be born again?…he certainly cannot enter his mother’s womb a second time….I am telling you the truth, replied Jesus, that no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. A person is born physically of human parents but he is born spiritually of the Spirit.” Jn 3: 3-8 [TEV]

This implies that if you are to attain to new heights in this world, your second birth to grace must be through the womb of the Holy Spirit. If you earnestly want to operate beyond the comprehension of the natural, if you want to attain supernatural conquest, then let the Holy Spirit gives you the new birth. For it is written: “Men can only reproduce human life but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven. John 3:6 [TLB]

This means that there is chance to still attain any dream you desired. There is room for second chance. What does it mean to be born of the Spirit? What does it mean to come through the womb of the Spirit? The womb of the Spirit is a powerful creative force that has the power of transforming the unwanted to the desired. It is the force that transformed the present world from the state of chaos and darkness into a magnificent edifice that we see today. It is a transformation force to anything that enters it. When Jesus said except a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot see nor enter the kingdom of God. He is saying that there is no other way to access the kingdom of God than being born of the Spirit. To learn more about this study check our website.