The Wonders of Cockatiels As Pets

The Wonders of Cockatiels As Pets

Cockatiels are not only incredibly awesome looking birds they are also the second most popular choice for domestic bird lovers! Parakeets are the most popular choice but both breeds of birds are often kept in the same enclosures and both have similar traits. The cockatiel is described as a small companion parrot which makes it the perfect bird for the family household. Cockatiels are intelligent, social companions that are easy to train and even easy to breed at home if you want to start supplying your local pet store!

Cockatiels are most distinguishable by their usually bright orange patches on their cheeks and for having a predominantly yellow crest. These elegant birds also have long tail feathers that sleekly allow them to steer through the air and control the power from their 12 to 14 inch wing spans. This is the average wingspan for cockatiels, depending on the mutation of the bird they may be longer or shorter. These mutations also determine the features and colours of the bird, this is why some cockatiels are predominantly grey, whilst others may be white, yellow or even cinnamon.

Cockatiels are chosen as pets not only because they are smart and friendly creatures but also because they have a certain elegance and beauty to them that is simply captivating. If you are after companionship and if you can treat your pet with love and respect and can meet their physical and emotional needs a cockatiel will enhance your life drastically! Being greeted every morning with an affectionate squawk and loving glance is truly the perfect way to start the day, even if you have to share your morning fruit…

Depending on diet and exercise the average pet cockatiel lives for around 12 to 15 years. However the longest living documented cockatiel bird lived to be 36 years old and it is not unheard of them living to 20 or even 30 years of age. Cockatiels have beautiful mannerisms, they are generally sweet, gentle birds that when handled correctly and not approached aggressively are suitable pets for all ages. Before you get yourself a cockatiel make sure you have enough spare time to dedicate them, cockatiels are very social animals and when they don’t get enough attention you may have to put up with some yelling and screaming! My advice would be to have a nice bird cage set up with lots of areas to climb and explore as well as a few bird toys to play with for when you are out of the house.