The World of Business Magnates

The World of Business Magnates

Our everyday world is influenced a lot more by the decisions taken by famous business magnates than we could have ever thought was possible. Every choice they make, invariably affects us directly or indirectly and as such it is no wonder that they have assumed a role of utmost importance. Famous business magnates include Bill Gates, Laxmi Mittal, Donald Trump, Samuel Insull and William Randolph.

Each one of them has contributed in their own way to change the very principles on which business works. For example, Donald Trump has revolutionized the way the world perceives casinos. He has managed to glamorize the concept of a casino and successfully converted it into a multi-million dollar industry. He is the owner of Trump Entertainment Resorts which is a chain of resorts that operates around the world, which promises to offer a world of entertainment to its customers. The Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Plaza and Trump Marina are also famous Trump casinos.

The popularity of Trump is so much that many projects and organizations pay him to endorse their projects. However, it took the medium of films and television for him to actually grab the public spotlight. Business magnates are mostly well known among their circles and are not universally recognized figures. Trump has managed to come of this bubble and has made his presence felt through his roles in movies and by having his very own television show. Thus, the world of business magnates is an extremely fascinating one and especially when it comes to someone like Donald Trump, it just gets more glamorous!