Themes of a Small Good Thing

Themes of a Small Good Thing

The story “A Small Good Thing” contained a good number of themes. I specifically wanted to emphasize on the idea of compassion, simply because it is an act that unites and defines human well-being. I believe that life can be very fickle, one moment you’re having the time of your life and the next, you lose everything. This was presented early on in the story when the author described the life of the family as being happy, and fulfilled.

Their lives suddenly changed, when Scotty got into an accident. The story presented 3 situations that all had similar ordeals- Ann and Howard, the black man and Franklin and the baker. As the story moved on, it can be seen that the 3 groups all sympathized with one another because they were all undergoing difficult times. We turn to one another for comfort and it even strengthened out relationship as friends. I think it’s beautiful when compassion brings out true human feelings and shields out any bad energy that inhibits our ability to reach out to other people.

This excerpt from the story, “Although they were tired and in anguish, they listened to what the baker had to say”, would fit my situation well because it exemplifies how compassion brings people together. Sometimes in life, we have to go through trials. In essence, it is these trials that make us stronger and having the comfort of someone else makes bonds between people more fortified. With this statement, i guess it is safe to say that compassion played a big role.