They Are Not Aliens, They Are Orchid Roots Growing Out of Pot!

They Are Not Aliens, They Are Orchid Roots Growing Out of Pot!

With all the thousands of right information available everywhere about growing orchids, it is a surprise that there are also so many wrong ones! One such topic about orchids that a lot of people pass the wrong information about is orchid roots growing out of the pot.

If you are a first time orchid grower and after some time you see long strands of something coming out of your orchids pots, do not be alarmed. They are not aliens trying to invade your home but orchid roots growing out of the pot! There are many reasons why this happens and you doing something wrong with your orchids is not one of them.

Why Do Orchid Roots Grow Out Of Pot

It is a typical thing for the orchid’s roots to grow out of the pot. If you have done some research before you decided to be an orchid grower, you would have learned that orchids originated from the rainforests. Most orchids are epiphytes which mean that they grown not in soil like ordinary plants but on trees, rocks etc. Orchids growing in its natural surrounding will show you unrestrained roots shooting everywhere. So it is only natural that you will see the occasional orchid roots growing out of the pot in your home.

Most of the roots growing out of the pot are alive. Never be mistaken to cut them off for the benefits of aesthetics. You can check the roots by gently squeezing them. Healthy ones are still hard and dead one feels like they don’t have anything inside them. Tucking and burying aerial roots that grew outside of the pot of your orchid will suffocate your plant and eventually lead to its death. Also, an orchid root growing out of the pot is a sign that you are looking after your plant well; it is a sign that you have a healthy and happy orchid under your care.

So if you have just reported your orchids, do not repot them again just because you see roots growing out of the pots. Here are some reasons why you should consider repotting your orchids:

  • You see that there is no room left for growth
  • You see decay after checking the potting mixture
  • You see rotting and decay in the roots of your orchids
  • You find salt build up amongst the potting medium.

Let your orchids complete its flowering before you repot them. The only reason that you will repot your orchid while it is in bloom is if it is sick. Completely wash off the old potting mixture, using sterilized scissors, cut off dead leaves and roots and repot with new potting mixture.