Things to Say to Get Your Boyfriend Back – Stunning Words to Say to Win Him Back Fast

Things to Say to Get Your Boyfriend Back – Stunning Words to Say to Win Him Back Fast

You may not realize that there are specific things to say to get your boyfriend back. When most women who are still in love with their ex boyfriends realize this they jump to an incorrect conclusion regarding what those words are. You may think that it’s best to tell him that you can’t live without him or that you’ll never find another man like him. If the situation were reversed you’d love hearing your ex say those things to you, right? That’s because we’re women and what we perceive as irresistible after a break up isn’t necessarily what our men see as compelling. Men view break ups in a very different way so you need to say things that appeal directly to a man’s heart.

One of the most effective things to say to get your boyfriend back is that you’re sorry. We all know that relationships work and don’t work because of a combined effort or lack of effort on the part of the two people. If your boyfriend dumped you it’s tempting to point the finger of blame for the failed relationship right at him. Don’t do that. You need to face the fact that if you were everything he wanted or needed, he wouldn’t have dumped you. That’s why it’s so essential that you apologize to him. By doing that you’re showing him that you’re mature enough to accept blame for your own actions. Don’t launch into a long and drawn out monologue about what you did wrong and how you promise to be different in the future. You’re just going to say you’re sorry and leave it at that. Short, sweet and simple is your goal here.

Telling him that you’re fine with the break up is another of the things to say to get your boyfriend back. Now, you may think that you can’t possibly say this if you’re not okay with it, right? You need to though. You need to realize that for now, he’s not interested in being your boyfriend. You have to show him that you’re fine with that and you need to do it with a smile on your face and no tears in your eyes. Rejecting your ex boyfriend may seem useless at this point since he’s already rejected you. It’s instrumental in getting him back though. This is where men differ from women. Men don’t want to be rejected by any woman, including an ex. When they are, they view her as a challenge and she becomes irresistible. That’s why you need to find the strength inside to tell him that you’re okay with the break up. Once you do, act like you are and give him some time. He’ll come back simply because he’ll want to make you his again since you no longer want him.