This Is Way More Than Just Getting Really Good Stuff!

This Is Way More Than Just Getting Really Good Stuff!

The best things in life come dressed in work clothes and look like work usually never giving a real hint of their real nature. While things that deceive usually come dressed up, looking too good to be true or real. When I think about the nature of life, I think of this fact and the fact that so many people lose their genuine opportunities because of this fact.

The “idiot” that says ‘yes’ to the opportunity gets everything genuinely, and so many “smart people who said I do not want to do this” wonder why they did not say ‘yes’ to the opportunity they were given that looks so much like hard work.

The opportunity did not look they expected it to look, and did not come in the form they expected, with all of the expected signs, “bells and whistles”. So, it comes down to a saying of “this cannot be it, the end”.

Reality is not a “cookie-cutter”, standard, easy to judge thing, indeed. It is instead an individual process of weeding out the best candidate for the best opportunities, really. That is where what I meant at the beginning of this article really comes in. If you are really reading this article, you already have grasped the opportunity within what I am writing. If not, the reality of what life comes down to will come when you are ready. I am not trying to be condescending, that is really how it all works.

The best only comes, then, to those that are ready to receive it, and it looks like the worst to all that is not meant for.

Sometimes, I am guilty of wanting those “bells, whistles and signs” too, like any human being is, and going for the “perfect looking things”. Sometimes, like anyone, reality does not meet my expectations and hopes. But, the difference is that I take failure as the most genuine of lessons instead of something permanent. Failure is a sort of primer on how not to do it next time instead of something permanently scarring so that I can have actual perfection instead of “perfect looking”. Actual perfection and actual achievement is not always perfect looking or “perfectly achieved” with an ideal process and outcome. Indeed, genuine advancement and genuine enlightenment is the most bumpy, event-filled, work laden road there is. That is why people get to a certain level and go something like: “This is enough for me as long as I have the trappings and look the part!” To actually be the part beyond looking it is always superior in reality. Getting good stuff and appearing good is one thing, being good actually and being deeply genuinely good is always better than just getting good stuff and appearing to have it all to others. That last sentence is where the money and reality is, not just the mouth or words. In fact, I can end this article with: “Let your works say it all, any slick, silver-tongued lying devil can say the words well.”