Tips for Finding Dominant Women Using Online Dating Sites

Tips for Finding Dominant Women Using Online Dating Sites

Dominant woman seeks submissive man. Is this your ideal kind of personals advertisement? If so, here are some tips for finding dominant women using online dating sites.

There are plenty of online dating sites that cater to people who are into the whole domination and submission thing. Finding these sites on the Internet is not very difficult if you choose the right search terms. Also, there are national and international groups that help domination and submission fans who have questions about the lifestyle, and clubs and associations where people who share this common interest in D&S can get together.

Once, it was rather embarrassing for a lot of guys to admit they were interested in being dominated by a strong woman. These men were seen as weak or as having some kind of mental problems. After all, society conditions men to believe that they are the “strong” sex, and being dominated by a woman is humiliating for a man.

In modern society, however, there is a growing acceptance of all kinds of lifestyles. This may be expressed as a mere tolerance rather than a welcome, but at least it is better than being pushed to the margins like freaks of nature. A lot of conservative people would be utterly amazed at the total number of women taking part in the domination and submission lifestyle.

Of course, the Internet has made D&S extremely accessible for all. Any man or woman interested in joining a D&S group or dating site is spoiled for choices. One of the early pace setters in this area was the website

It really is so simple. A search for “domination dating” will give men a massive number of options for meeting dominant women. Use niche Internet dating sites to find the most interesting and fun females dommes. You can find your ideal dominatrix online if you are keen to do some searching.

Once you have joined such a dating site, make sure to post lots of photos showing you at your most submissive in order to attract the attention of female members. Remember that there are more submissive males than female dommes on these sites, so you are going to have to stand out from the crowd.

One way to do this is to have your own venue for domination meetings. If you show your enthusiasm for the lifestyle by fitting out your own studio or other premises for living out your lifestyle choice, that will immediately put you at the top of the pile.

Make it clear whether you want a D&S relationship that includes friendship with the chance of a long-term relationship, or if you are looking for a dominatrix who will do her thing and then be on her way. There are plenty of women who fit into both categories, so make sure you specify the type of fem domme you want to avoid disappointment.

Another way to be more confident of getting the fem domme you want is to join one of the more “professional” domination dating sites that are specifically set up and run my D&S enthusiasts. Sites that just have the “look and feel” but not the substance of a real D&S site will only let you down.