Tips for Newly Launched Websites

Tips for Newly Launched Websites

So you’ve got the web design all mapped out, the codes all set and you’ve even told your friends about it—you are about to launch your new website! You have a specific audience segment in mind and you are really aiming to win their hearts through a really great website. Now, if you are not an IT practitioner and you are not really familiar with how to market newly launched websites, here are some quick tips:

First, you have to keep in mind that your homepage will make or break the deal between you and your target audience. It is where you will build your first impression. It is important to win your audience as early as you can and the first place to do is through your homepage. Put a brief and concise introduction of your company and post something which will surely pique their interest and make them browse further.

Slogan Does it All

After that, develop a catchy slogan or tag line for the entire website. This one must be seen at the top part of your homepage, and it must summarize what your business is about. Your tag line must be relevant to your business and must have a high recall. For example, “Live Positively”. The slogan is short, easy to remember and induces feel-good vibes, just like downing a glass of Coke (that’s what they wanted to say).

Introduce Yourself Well

Put an informational spot in your website where you will introduce yourself to your reader. Usually, this spot is called an “About Us” page, and you may use this to put your company profile, vision, mission, philosophies and maybe even throw in a little bit of history. Make this link easily accessible on your homepage. A lot of prospect clients only decide to go for your services after they get to learn who you really are, and which principles you hold premium.

Put a Search Box

They say that it takes less than 5 seconds to capture the interest of a reader/ page viewer. This means that after 5 seconds, if one cannot see anything useful or interesting in a page, s/he can just switch windows or click the close button. See, internet users have a very short attention span. A great way to skirt around this problem is to have a search box in your website. When they visit new websites and they’re looking for something, they better see it as soon as possible or else they’d just grow weary and go back to Google.

Back to the Basics

If you are having a hard time figuring out something unique to offer or something which will make your site go viral, here’s one useful tip: don’t get too overwhelmed and just go back to basics. Treat your homepage as a “tour guide” for your site. Clarity, above all, must be prioritized. In your homepage alone, it should be clear where your viewer is headed, and his/ her options for a better browsing experience. Strategically point them to the main areas of your website, those which you need them to see, and those which they will most likely need to see as well (gallery, contact us, about us, etc.).

See, launching websites just cover a lot of basics. What is important is that you are attentive of the needs of your prospect client and you simulate the site navigation experience before you get to launch the actual site. Good luck!