Tips To Clean Your Soccer Cleats

Tips To Clean Your Soccer Cleats

Soccer cleats get covered in mud, grass and dirt with regular use. And cleaning them takes a good deal of time. However, with the right cleaning solution, you can clean your shoes and they will look brand new once again. Here are some tips to clean your soccer cleats.

Cleaning The Soles

Remove the excess dirt first. Each time you take your shoes off, you should hit them with each other to shed the dirt, mud and grass.

Dry clean The Dirt

You can use a special shoe-cleaning tool or a brush to clean the bottom of your cleats. Dry cleaning will loosen the grass, mud or other stuff from the spikes of the shoes.

Aside from this, you should use a toothbrush to clean the sides of your shoes soles. Actually, the abrasive bristles of a booth brush will loosen the dirt and will make it easier for you to focus on a certain area.

Prepare a cleaning solution

You can make your own cleaning solution. It should be a combination of the cleaning solution and warm water. As a matter of fact, hand soap or dish soap will make a nice solution. All you need to do is fill a container with two cups of lukewarm water. Now, you should put a tablespoon of regular soap into the solution. Shake the container until the mixture becomes sudsy.

Use The soapy solution

Now, you should dip the brush in the solution and then clean the bottom of the cleats. The brush will get covered in grass and dirt, and you should put it under a running tap. Once the brush is clean once again, you should soak it in the soap mixture and then scrub your shoes once again.

Wipe the shoe soles

Now, get a paper towel and dip it into the same soapy solution. With this paper towel, you should wipe the shoes for removing any residue of grass or dirt. You can wrap the paper towel around your fingers to reach the difficult-to-reach areas on your shoes.

Cleaning The Upper Portion of The Cleats

Clean the laces

Remove the laces from your shoes and then dip them in the solution. After 10 minutes, you can use a toothbrush and your fingers to scrub the laces to clean the accumulated dirt. Now, put the laces in the sun to dry them out.

Clean the tops

To clean the tops, you can dip the toothbrush or scrub in the soapy solution and then use the scrub for scrubbing the tops. You can put one of your hands into the shoes and use the other to rub the shoes with the toothbrush.

Dry Your cleats

You can use a clean paper towel or a dry rag for drying the cleats and collecting any soapy water left on the shoes. Make sure you dry the sides, tongue and the soles of the cleats.

Once your cleats are dry, you should put the laces back on the cleats and then put on the shoes. Hopefully, now, you can clean your cleats yourself to make them last longer.