Tips to Identify the Best OC Pepper Spray Guns

Tips to Identify the Best OC Pepper Spray Guns

In self-defense, the effectiveness of a self-protection tool is determined by its ability to stop the attacker in their tracks before they lay their hands on you. The quicker the self-defense tool is in neutralizing the assailant, the better your chances of escaping. Given that most attacks happen unexpectedly, a good defense tool should be easily accessible in case of an unexpected attack.

In the history of personal-defense weapons, pepper spray has been one of the most effective. With the many brands of these on the market, it can sometimes be hard to identify which are the most effective. Here are a few tips to help you identify the best OC pepper spray guns.

The Shooting Range

This is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing this type of weapon. The best OC pepper spray guns have a shooting range between 20ft to 50ft away on accurate aim. You should never buy anything with a shooting range below 10ft. The longer the shooting range, the higher your chances of averting your attacker before they pounce on you.

The Number of Shots

The number of shots one of these guns can produce determines your ability to neutralize a number of assailants or a dodging attacker. The best OC pepper spray guns produce above five shots in a single blast. – And others go much higher than that. In a neighborhood where gang attacks are common, you will want as many shots as you can get.

Ease of Use

Given that most attacks are instantaneous, the best OC pepper spray guns are the ones that are easy to operate. The faster you can blast the pepper gun in the face of your assailant, the higher are your chances to survive. A hard to operate OC gun is likely to confuse you in case of impromptu attacks due to the high tension. You can imagine what happens next when your assailant realizes your failed intentions.

Pepper Spray Strength

Your gun will be of no use if the spray you are using cannot knock down your attacker in a single blast. When buying your spray, check for the percentage of the Oleoresin Capsaicin (OC) chemical on the pepper canister. The higher the level of the chemical, the more efficient. The level of the OC chemical in a pepper spray should not be less than 10%.

Pepper Spray Gun Portability

The portability of your spray determines its accessibility in case of an impromptu attack. The best OC pepper spray guns can easily be carried in the pocket without being noticed. Your ability to bring down your assailant is determined by how you take them by surprise. If you are carrying any kind of protection that is too big, then an attacker will be able to strategize on the way to attack you. A portable spray gun is small enough to be hidden in your pocket and powerful enough to neutralize an attacker.