Tips to Teach Your Children to Save Water

Tips to Teach Your Children to Save Water

Water is a necessity for survival.

Considering the rapidly growing population and the fact that water is a limited resource on this planet, it has become more important than ever that children understand the significance of water conservation from an early age.

Teaching children to save water at a young age will not only help you save on your utility bills but it will also foster an interest and concern in your children towards the planet.

That said, here are some tips to teach and practise water conservation at home with your children.

Get kids acquainted with interesting facts about water

Water conservation is a serious concern, but that doesn’t mean teaching children to save water can’t be fun.

There is a wide range of interesting facts about water you can tell your child, to emphasise on the necessity of water, such as:

• Water makes up to 70% of the earth’s surface. 90% of it is salt water, which is found in oceans and is not suitable for drinking.

• Only 2.5% of earth’s water is fresh water and 70% of the earth’s fresh water is frozen in glaciers and ice caps.

• The total amount of water on earth is the same amount as it was when earth was created, millions of years ago.

• 70% of human brain is composed of water and the average adult body is about 60% water.

• Water is available in three forms on this planet: solid, liquid and gas.

These were just a few facts and you can discover more such information about water on the web. Children are more likely to remember what they have been taught when they learn it through small pointers and factoids instead of long boring sessions.

Moving on to “dos” & “don’ts”

Education begins at home. Before your child gets to the chapter in their textbook that talks about water conversation at school, you can inculcate water-saving habits in your child by teaching them the following dos and don’ts;

• Do turn off the faucets tightly.

• Don’t leave the tap running while brushing or washing hands.

• Do take a shower instead of a bath as it uses less water. If you must take a bath, fill the tub with just enough water to cover the knees and not more than that.

• Don’t throw tissues, paper or candy wrappers in the toilet as it will use more water to flush those materials off.

• Do let parents know if you spot a leaky faucet, bathtub, water cooler or any other appliance that uses water.

• Do use water from leftover bottles, ice cubes, bathroom buckets and half-drank glasses, to hydrate the grass and plants.

• When not using sprinklers, do move the hoses to the grassy areas.

• When unable to finish the whole glass of water, save the remaining water in the refrigerator instead of pouring down the sink.

• Do use a mug and bucket of water to clean your bicycle instead of a hose.

Additional tips to encourage water conservation in children

• Whenever your child takes a water-saving action, reward them to make them feel positive about their deed and encourage them to keep doing it.

• Earth day and water day are great opportunities to teach your little ones to care for their planet and the importance of preserving the earth’s resources. So, keep an eye out for events being organised in your local region on these days and get your child involve in the celebrations.

• Suggest teachers and school’s management to organise educational camps and programs to teach children about water conservation.

• Encourage your tech-savvy children to look up for videos, tips and resources related to water conservation online. By allowing your children to search for water saving tips on the internet on their own, you will provide them a fun way to learn about importance of saving water.

• Involve children in your water management routine and practises like when you are searching for water leaks around your house, ask your children to join in and help you spot leaky areas.

Children are never too young to learn about the importance of water as a natural resource that humans need for survival. With these tips and practises, you will not only teach your child to use water wisely and prevent waste but also build a foundation of love and care for their planet.