Top 5 Free Android Games For Those Cathartic Moments of Calm

Top 5 Free Android Games For Those Cathartic Moments of Calm

When you have an Android phone, work hard and spend your day running around, writing emails, attending meetings, rushing for trains and buses, queuing for just about everything and generally being a ball of stress, you need time to relax. One of your companions amidst your whirlwind of digital torrents and verbal diarrhea is your trusty smartphone. Even though you may curse its bleeping and battery life, it has a whole world of fun just beneath the surface, waiting for you to take a break and indulge in one of its great games.

Next time you have a moment on the train have a go at one of these…

Traffic Jam

What at first seems like a very dull game that will get old in a matter of minutes will soon turn out to be more engrossing than a Sudoku the size of a table. Traffic Jam is basically a puzzle game where you have to get a car out of a packed car park of cars by sliding the cars boxing you in, up and down in order to give your car access to the exit. Every level gets just that little but harder, but for all your frustration the joy of finding the solution is immense.

Robo Defence

Quit a complex game considering it’s free. The aim is to prevent your enemies from crossing a grass plain and getting into your base by building a range of robotic gun and missile towers in their path. There is a bunch of basic towers that you can upgrade as you gain cash for destroying each enemy. A great mix of destruction and tactics.


A classic game done well. If you want a game you can play on your own or with a colleague which involves a great deal of skill and strategic inspiration, then you can’t go wrong with backgammon.

Air Control Lite

For budding air traffic controllers who like to feel in control. Air Control presents you with a range of airports into which you must land a variety of aircraft without letting them hit each other. You need to judge flight paths and keep on top of where everything is on an increasingly busy screen. Keeps you on your toes.


Another classic game done well. Sitting on the train, yelling ‘huzzah’ has never felt so right when you plunge your enemy into the murky depths. You can even play with a friend.

As you can see, this is a great section of the mobile phone marketplace with lots of innovation and money to be made. These games may be free but many require payment and this certainly feels like a growth sector. If you plan on entering this sector then you will need a payment gateway for your site and be backed up with an internet merchant account. This small ‘micro payments’ that games often require are a superb way to attract people to your new game.