Top 5 Mistakes Guys Make When Approaching Woman

Top 5 Mistakes Guys Make When Approaching Woman

Men are well-known for talking without thinking through how insensitive they may sound to others. Therefore, they tend to make mistakes when they are approaching a woman. In order to help guys improve themselves and win a woman’s heart, I shall list out the mistakes that guys make so that they can avoid it and not allow history happen again.

#1- Giving little eye contact

Studies have shown that guys are afraid to look at women’s eye when he is talking to her. If a man looks straight into the woman’s eye, it means that he is a high status man who is very confident and knows what he is doing. Therefore, guys should not give little eye contact to woman.

#2- Do not ignore her friends

In a woman’s point of view, friends are very important to them. Therefore, you should never ever ignore her friend even if you don’t like them. If you ignore her friends, your intentions will be very obvious and you will be perceived as a guy who is obviously trying to be rude to her friends. This is a one of the biggest mistake you should not make when approaching a woman.

#3- Never asks for her number too soon

You should never ask for the woman’s phone number too soon because the interaction between the both of them should be fun and amusing. You should only get her number when you are comfortable with her. Besides that, you not walk away immediately after getting her number as she might think that you are just a player and not really interested with her.

#4- Not able to create a presence

When a man approaches a woman, he needs to create a presence and let the woman know that he is there. You should have confident and let the woman feel that she is very comfortable when she is with you.

#5- Never tries too hard to say the right thing

Women like guys with confident. If you are trying very hard to say the right thing, woman will feel that you are not confident enough and she will feel that you interact with her for a purpose. Therefore, you should focus on not getting anything from her but rather enjoy the interaction between the two of them

Woman is very sensitive as compared to men. Therefore if you really want to win a woman’s heart, you should never make the mistakes mention above.