Top Methods to Successfully Train Pomeranian Dogs

Top Methods to Successfully Train Pomeranian Dogs

Everyone wants a happy, healthy Pomeranian! Without proper training, however, this wish simply will never become reality.

Despite their size, Pomeranians are cocky, stubborn and very intelligent. This makes for a dog that can be quite difficult to train. Basic obedience issues are the biggest problem with these dogs. Barking at your house guests, making noise over any little thing that’s out of place (an untrained dog may even go insane just because there’s a bird outside the window, or because a package was dropped off).

If your dog’s obedience issues are severe enough, he may even bite (or “nip”) at strangers – or at you if you try to discipline him or try to tell him what to do. Fortunately, this can all be controlled with a little bit of work – as long as you use the right techniques.

There are various “Train Pomeranian” guides and articles on the internet, but unfortunately there are many factors that make Pomeranians different from other dogs, and much of the “one-size-fits-all” information you find online just won’t work in this case.

Dominance is the most important factor. By nature, Poms have a tendency to feel as if they are the boss, and you are the one that should listen to them. It’s this confidence that gives this breed their signature personality. However, you need to establish dominance right now, and go from there. You’ll be surprised how many negative traits (barking, nipping, growling, etc.) will be eliminated once he knows you’re the boss and you’ve given a firm “No!” every time he acts up to show him you won’t tolerate it.

It needs to be pointed out that no matter how bad of a dominance issue you’re facing, you should never use force or be aggressive (no matter what!). The Pomeranian is a very small, delicate dog and can easily be injured. For that reason, stick with verbal training methods only. If you’re setting out to train Pomeranian puppies, this bit of information is even more important to remember.

The only exception to this is, in cases where you need to get the dog’s attention or make him listen, you may make a “Psst!” sound while gently tapping him on the hip. Note that a “tap” is not a shove or a strike. Use no more force than you would when tapping a friend on the shoulder to say hello.

It’s only once you’ve established dominance that you can move on. Start with one basic command, such as “sit”. Always use positive reinforcement, as that’s the key method to being able to train Pomeranian breeds. If the dog sits every single time you say “sit”, you can move on to the next command. If he’s list listening “sometimes” or “when he feels like it”, you still haven’t established proper authority and should continue working with him.

When training your dog to follow commands, don’t use a harsh voice and never scold him for not listening. Patience and persistence is key here, and the last thing you want to do is instill a negative mental association with you giving a command.

Be sure to reward your Pom with a scratch on the head and a treat every time he listens to you. After time, he’ll listen without as much positive reinforcement, but it’s important to heavily supply reward-based motivation when starting out.