Travel Argentina in Two Weeks

Travel Argentina in Two Weeks

Day 1 – Arrive in Buenos Aires, the capital city and let your Argentina holiday begin!

Day 2 and 3 – Explore Buenos Aires, there is enough to keep you busy for a couple of days and if not jump on the boat to Montevideo for a day.

Day 4 to 7 – Fly to Ushuaia, which is the southernmost town in Argentina and the closest place in the world you can get to Antarctica without having to board an expensive boat for a several days. Expect it to be cold, but make sure you visit the penguins, sail the Beagle Channel and explore the stunning Tierra del Fuego National Park, a high point of any Argentina holiday.

Day 7 to 10 – Jump aboard a plane to El Calafate, home of glaciers and a magnificent sight to see on your Argentina trip. Sail to Perito Moreno and its less famous glacial brothers, ice hike and climb, take photos until the memory card is full and just fall in love with this amazing area.

Day 10 to 13 – Continue on to Iguazu in the very north, straddling the border with Brazil. The weather will change from cold, icy and snowy to crack out the sun cream tropical. The falls here take a day on each side to fully explore. The Brazilian side is the panoramic view, far away but close enough to appreciate the sheer size of this amazing natural environment, whereas the Argentine side is close up and personal. Take the walk ways to the top of the biggest and largest waterfall, then watch as the river turns from gentle, barely moving still water to a torrent of tons of water thundering over the edge before crashing below- sure to be a highlight of your Argentina tour.

Day 13 – 14 – Everyone who goes on an Argentina trip should take a night bus, and it is an easy way to get back to Buenos Aires. They have one of the best national routes in the world and as there are no rail networks the buses are brilliant. The buses have 5 categories of comfort set out by law from the government, so you can guarantee what you will get. Taking the top class of bus is like flying business class with meals and drinks served, films shown throughout the journey and seats that fully recline to a flat bed- choose this option to travel Argentina in style!

Day 14 – Now back in BA either head to the airport for your flight home or spend one more night (I recommend this) to enjoy a final fantastic piece of steak, and a delicious glass of red wine.

There we go, an action packed two week Argentina travel adventure! If you prefer a slower place simply add in an extra night in each place to relax!