Trip Report From Frankfurt to Moscow

Trip Report From Frankfurt to Moscow

Dear readers,

Welcome to another report from me!

This time I will show you the service on two European sectors with Swiss.

The route is a simple FRA-ZRH-DME.

To get to Frankfurt I used the combination of trains again and in a breeze I was in Frankfurt.

As Swiss is using Terminal 1 in Frankfurt along the *A partners, it is only a short walk to the Check-In from the trainstation.

Security this morning at the A pier was a bit crowded, because it was one of the days when LH striked. So there was a bit of chaos everywhere.

But after 10mins I was airside and took a leasurly stroll to my gate.

The flight was completely full, because the agents in Frankfurt used every available seat on non-LH flights to get the passengers out of FRA.

Soon enough our airplane taxied in – and luckily it was one in a special livery, the StarAlliance logo jet A320.

Boarding was soon after announced and finished in about 15 mins.

Even if it was a completely full cabin, everything was quick and smooth.

After a short taxi we were airborne for the short hop to Zurich.

Service on this flight was only a packed orange juice.

Soon enough we started the approach into Zurich and landed after less than 45mins in a sunny Switzerland.

I had around 2hours in Zurich, so I just made my way to the non-schengen gates and relaxed there until boarding was announced.

Instead of the old cabin like on the previous FRA-ZRH flight, this flight to Moscow was operated by one of the refitted 320s, featuring also the so called NEK cabin, which was first introduced by their parent airline Lufthansa.

Although in my opinion the seats are a bit harder than the old ones, the legroom is usually great, thanks to the very slim seats.

Flight time was announced as a bit over 3 hours by the captain and after a small queue, it was our turn for take-off. This flight was around 80% full.

After that I simply relaxed a bit with good music, and soon enough the descent into Moscow Domodedovo airport began. After around 3h15 we landed on time.

On the way to gate, you could see the famous Domodedovo graveyeard with many interesting airplanes.


All in all, the experience with Swiss was fine. The flights were on time and the service was OK for the length of the sectors. The only improvement I think would be to offer a bigger main meal and smaller sides, not the other way round.

Thanks a lot for reading! If you have some questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.