Trump 101 – The Way To Success

Trump 101 – The Way To Success

A quick book to read, and worth the time it takes to learn the simple but direct lessons Donald Trump and Meredith McIver included in this little gem.

Just because the chapters are short, does not mean they don’t contain some valuable advice. Some of it seems to be common sense to many people, but then we must remember that sometimes common sense is not as common as we would like. A short reminder of certain principles or strategies for success can be motivating and the prompting needed to get up and succeed.

One criticism some may have with this book is the promoting of Trump University. I actually believe this is a hidden lesson one can learn. Right up front in the introduction Trump states that a purpose of the book is to introduce the reader to Trump University, so you should not be surprised that there are plugs for Trump University programs. One thing Donald Trump does phenomenally is promote. He promotes himself, his businesses, and other businesses, products and causes that he believes in like no other. This is an important lesson!

Regarding the chapters and the lessons Donald Trump shares in this book, they are all simple and direct, but very important. Following all or some of the advice in this book will doubt help a person increase their levels of success. These chapter lessons include:

1. Don’t Waste Your Life On Work You Don’t Love: Passion Will Help You Do Better.

2. Set the Bar High: Make People OOH and AAH.

3. Think Trump Scale: Bigger is Better

4. Tough It Out: Be Persistent

5. Without Knowledge, You Don’t Stand A Chance: Gain and Use Information To Your Advantage

6. You’re Fired! Words No One Wants to Hear – Or Say

7. The Proof Is In The Doing: Learn By Doing and Taking Risks

8. Your Gut Is Your Best Advisor: Listen To Your Instincts

9. Personalize Your Pitch: Know Who You’re Addressing

10. Surround Yourself With Beauty: Enhance Every Aspect Of Your Life

11. Negotiate to Win: Use Diplomacy

12. Think On Your Feet: It’s The Fast Track To Success

13. Work With People You Like: It Sure Beats Working With Enemies

14. Where There’s A Will, There’s A Win: Think Positively

15. Swim Against The Tide: The Comfort Zone Can Pull You Under

16. Money Is Not Always The Bottom Line: It Can Be a Scorecard, Not the Final Score

17. Learning Is Exciting: Each New Project Is An Adventure

18. See the Whole Picture: But Be Prepared For the Picture to Change

19. Wait For the Right Pitch: Business Success Is All About Patience and Timing

20. Avoid Fixed Patterns: Be Open and Flexible

21. Speed Kills – The Competition: Get Right To The Point

22. Do More – Always Do More: Constantly Try To Top Yourself

23. Leaders Set The Pace: Find Your Working Tempo

24. Results Matter More Than Routes: Let People Follow Their Own Paths

25. Approach Your Work As An Art Form: Work Brilliantly

26. Keep Your Mind In The Game: Pay Attention and Stay Focused

27. It Takes Courage To Persist: Business Pressures Never Stop

28. Join The Explorers’ Club: Learn About the Mysteries of Life

29. Confidence Is a Magnet: It Will Draw People To You

30. Keep Your Momentum Rolling: But Never Lose Control

31. Is the Problem a Blip or a Catastrophe? Expect Problems and Keep Moving Forward

32. Reach Within To Rise Above: But Temper Your Reach With Reality

33. Concentrate on the Target, Not on the Weapon: Focus On What Matters Most

It is pretty obvious with the chapter titles as to what the lessons of each chapter are. And as I stated, the chapters are short and quick to read, but they do contain pearls of wisdom. I found the book very easy to read and enjoyable as Trump illustrated the lessons with his own personal experiences.

Trump also included sections on a week of his life, as he has done in other books. I enjoyed reading these as well, and the week he included was the week his son was born, so you know it was a special week for The Donald.

Overall, I recommend this book as a quick, easy, motivational read with some direct and practical advice on success. If you do more than just read the book, that is follow some of the advice that is given, you will increase the successes of your life.