Trump And Biden: How They’re SEPARATED?

Trump And Biden: How They’re SEPARATED?

We have experienced, challenges, to our nation, etc, before, but, perhaps, never, to the present degree, in recent memory! Regardless of one’s political perspective, priorities, and preferences, most would agree, the upcoming election, we face, in November 2020, is a significant one, because, we seem to be, at a crossroads, which may determine, the future direction and behaviors, of this nation! This is not, the usual, mere – political, traditional, partisan one, but, rather, may be, an historical battle, for the soul of the country, and perhaps, the rest of the world. We have faced previous elections, where many felt, they were confronted, with choosing the lesser – of – two – evils, and their vote, wouldn’t really matter, but, it seems, the difference between the vision for the United States, and the planet, between Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, is extraordinary! How are these two men, divided, and SEPARATED, in key ways? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Sane leadership: If we resort to slogans, the difference between these two, may be Trump’s, more – of – the – same, Make America Great Again, appeal, and Biden’s, Make America Sane Again! Many surveys and polls, indicate, President Trump, is considered, by a majority of Americans, in a negative way! Wouldn’t we be better served, by someone, who sought to bring us, together, as opposed to a negative, polarizing influence?

2. Empathy (versus, self – interest): It takes a readiness, and willingness, to prioritize, effectively listening, and learning, and prioritizing the needs, goals, perceptions, priorities, etc, of constituents! Many feel, the existing holder of the highest office, in our land, prioritizes his personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest, rather than the greater good!

3. Planning: While Trump, seems, to proceed, proudly, by the seat – of – his – pants, he also, at various times, seems, to proceed, in an unprepared manner! His opponent, Joe Biden, appears to, believe, strongly, in the power and necessity, of effective planning!

4. Attitude; aptitude: Open – minded, people, observe, an obvious difference, between these two men, especially, in terms of their attitude, etc! There have been numerous reports, President Trump, often, seems disinterested in many of the relevant details, and, we must question, the apparent aptitude, and skill – sets, applicable, and necessary!

5. Relevant; reasoning; reality: Make America Great Again, appears, to make the assumption, it is no longer, great, etc! How often, does this President, resort to distracting statements, and actions, when we would be better – served, by relevant planning! Examine each individual’s focus, and emphasis, and their prevailing reasoning! Have you ever believed, Mr. Trump, behaves as if, he is involved in, some sort of, alternate – reality?

6. Articulate; actions: When a public leader speaks, it influences many others! Have you, considered, the impact, when this President, articulates a message, which appears to many, as, being, adversarial, polarizing, etc? There are ramifications of someone’s actions, as well as when, he resorts to procrastination!

7. Timely; time – tested; truth/ truthful: When a public official, seems to prioritize the potential, political impact, etc, instead of, what’s necessary, and needed, he often, fails to proceed, in a well – considered, timely manner! A prepared leader uses the skills, experience, and expertise, they’ve acquired, by applying, the finest, time – tested, approaches! When one avoids the truth, consistently, he fails to be truthful, and many, lose confidence in their ability, to lead!

8. Excellence, versus, good – enough: The fast – fix, is often, not the best one! When this President seems to seek populism, rather than, what’s best, he isn’t serving the best interests of this nation! We must demand a quest for genuine excellence, rather than acceptance of good – enough!

9. Delve deeply; discover: When one considers himself a stable genius, and smarter than the experts, he risks failing to delve deeply, in order to discover the best path to pursue!

Joe Biden states we are in a battle for the soul of our nation! What do you believe?