Trust – Playing Detective And Relationships

Trust – Playing Detective And Relationships

People with trust issues are usually those who have history of a pained childhood. Firstly, these are those children who experience childhood trauma like sexual abuse, get victim to domestic violence, neglect, loss or bereavement usually grow up with emotional numbing. They feel only a few emotions like boredom or frustrations, disgust or self-loathing. They are sensitive to criticism and quick to get angry. They often suppress disappointments until anger explodes. Children who have undergone grief in their tender age also have trust issues. Children cope with grief in their own way, some are in a state of denial & depression and some in anger or acceptance. Prolonged grief lasts for months or years. Without help and support, this type of grief leads to isolation and chronic loneliness.

Secondly, hereditary and environmental factors also play their role. Some children are genetically affected while negative environment and toxic relationships affect some of them. These children need a helping hand to come out of their reckless thoughts. Staying trustworthy to them, helping them come out of their mistrust and suspicion is all that they need. Trust is more important than love for a relationship to work. Lack of trust in early stage is indicative of an unstable relationship. Love and honesty cements relationships. When two people are in serious relationship, it means they are in intimacy with each other.

These children who are sexually abused or are grief striken have not experienced love & intimacy in their life. Intimacy requires emotions & lack of it in them leads to difficult personal relationships. Such children grow up with paranoid personality disorders. According to research paranoid personality disorder is also hereditary. Paranoid personality disorder is mostly diagnosed in adulthood. Relationships get affected when the person having paranoid personality disorder plays detective every time he has to trust his partner. This gets annoying and makes relationships not only stressful but toxic. Dominance characterizes a toxic relationship. Insecurity, being self-centered and control is damaging for both the partners

It is trust that helps to build partnerships, bonds or marriages. It is not impossible to stay in relationship with people suffering from this mental illness but they do need treatment and monitoring. The problem is that many people with this disorder do not seek treatment. With professional care and therapy, both partners in a relationship learn to bring compassion and understanding among them in a positive way. They need therapy so that they can clearly view the error. They learn to recognize and understand their mistaken perceptions of suspicion, pessimism, stubbornness and controlling behaviour. Thus making correction easier. They should visit a doctor when they feel stressed up, negative or try to live in isolation. Patients suffering from paranoid personality disorder ought to get clinically diagnosed and treated.

By assessing their history and symptoms the clinicians and therapists help them to improve. They urge them to interact with others and lead a healthy social life. Mental health care centres are the best place for treatment. Cognitive behavioural therapy under an expert therapist helps patients become more aware of their disordered thought process. It helps to redirect their thoughts towards improvement. Both the partners are treated individually. Both of them need to care for one another and develop positive habits. Neglect will lead to their paranoia becoming a reality

With individual therapy, couple therapy, cognitive therapy, dialectical therapy, family therapy and support of professional clinicians, therapists and counselors patient with paranoid personality disorder show effective improvement. They undergo comprehensive psychological testing to develop improved emotional and cognitive functioning. The most recommended treatment for paranoid personality disorder is psychotherapy though antipsychotic medicines are given for a short period. Family history helps to understand and treat the patient even better.

The bottom line is that parents should always love and respect their children and boost their self-esteem. They should never break their trust and confidence.

”Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.” Lady Bird Johnson.

Just believe in them. Giving quality time to your child helps them grow secure and strong. Parents should reassure their children that they are there for them always. Sowing seeds of affection and care in the early life of your child will help you reap the fruit when you need the most.