Types of Hackers

Types of Hackers

Internet hacking is a game for some people. They receive a level of satisfaction from accomplishing the task. For many others, breaking into systems is simply a way of ensuring that their own personal or business’ security system is successfully keeping out hackers. When people start getting into illegal hacking, they are breaking the law and therefore may be subject to serious legal consequences if they are caught and convicted of an offense.

Some of the different types of computer hacking are outlined below:

White hat – Legal hacking. Typically used for the benefit for those wanting to know whether or not their systems are secure.

Black hat – Using hacking for personal gain. Typically used to steal credit card or other financial information or to steal someone’s identity.

Grey hat – This type of computer hacking is a combination of the two kinds listed above. A grey hat hacker uses legal breaking into a computer while using the information for personal gain.

Blue hat – Permission is given to another party to break into a computer security system to test for any bugs or errors.

Elite – Term applied to those who are extremely talented hackers.

Script kiddie – Hackers who use the advice and the tools of others to hack into systems. Typically not extremely knowledgeable in computers.

Neophyte – Inexperienced in field of internet basics.

Hacktivism – Spreads a message about personal beliefs through breaking into computer security systems.

Many of these types of hackers, especially talented ones, break laws. No matter the degree of the crime, those arrested are entitled to a defense attorney to protect them from harsh sentences. Sentences for these charges can be in excess of 10 years.

Visit the website of the San Jose internet crime defense attorneys of Jensen Law Office for more information regarding defense against this crime.