Understanding Airsoft Guns

Understanding Airsoft Guns

Do you know what airsoft guns are? These are replicas of real guns. They are designed for realistic action; however, they shoot plastic pellets known as BBs. The BBs are 6 mm in diameter and are usually used in paintball competitions.

The guns started being used in Japan where firearms are illegal. As the gun’s fame grew, many other countries started using them.


There are three main types of guns that are differentiated by the way in which they are powered. The three main ways in which they are powered are: spring, electricity, and gas.

Spring powered guns require you to cock every time you need to use them thus you can’t use them in semiautomatic or full automatic modes.

While you can’t use them in these modes, the cool thing with them is that they are the cheapest in the market.

Electric-powered airsoft guns use batteries that are identical to remote-controlled cars. The battery powers a piston that creates air pressure that propels the BB.

Gas-powered guns on the other hand need gas or carbon dioxide cartridges and are used in semiautomatic weapons.


Airsoft guns are used for recreation purposes where they are used in training for military, hunting purposes, target shooting, and display. The units are also heavily used in movies.

How to be safe when using the guns

While the guns have bright orange tip on the muzzle that is meant to let you know that you are not using a real gun, you need to protect yourself. One of the things that you should do is to ensure that you wear eye protection.

If you are playing a competitive airsoft game that requires you to shoot at other players you should ensure that you wear a full hockey-style mask that comes with good eye and ear protection. You should also wear long sleeves and long pants that will provide you with as much protection as possible.

When shooting you should take care that you don’t injure another person with the pellet. Before you shoot, ensure that the area of your target is clear.


This is what you need to know about airsoft guns. Although, the guns are not real, you should treat them like real guns in order to avoid injuring yourself or other people.

For the gun to give you the service you need you should ensure that you buy it from a reputable store.