Uneasiness Among The Top Four In The English Premier League

Uneasiness Among The Top Four In The English Premier League

Just this weekend, the top 4 spots of the English Premier League table experienced a reshuffle. The reason for the reshuffle is not far-fetched. It was as a result of a game, the match between Chelsea and Manchester City. The full time score of the match goes thus, Chelsea 2, Manchester City 0.

With this result, Chelsea is now 3rd on the table and Manchester City 4th. So one can see the uneasiness in the top 4 spots of the EPL. Prior to this Manchester City was leading Chelsea. Man City was occupying the 3rd position while Chelsea FC was occupying the 4th position. They were leading Chelsea with 2 points. But after Sunday’s game the table was turned and thus we have the current situation mentioned earlier.

The question is this, what is the implication of this to the top 4 contenders currently occupying the top 4 positions in the league? The answer is simple; the title race is not over yet. No space should be considered secure at least for now. Even the team occupying the number 1 position, Manchester United cannot afford to say that the title is now within their grasp and that no other team can move them out of that number 1 position. They still have a lot of work to do to remain at that most coveted position. Complacency on the part of Man U at this time will cost them this cherished position.

But this disturbance at these cherished places on the table is caused by only 1 club at the moment. The club causing it is Chelsea FC. The impact of this disturbance was increased on Sunday when Chelsea won their home game against Manchester City 2-0. Of course, this was not a good news to Man U fans. This is because their current most dreaded rival is Chelsea. So they know the uphill task they have ahead. Their darling team must overcome this rival if they must be sure of winning the title. Again, those of them that are current with the league know that this their rival still has a game in hand. If they win this game, the 9 point gap between their darling team and their foe will be reduced to 6 which make the matter worse. Here again we see the uneasiness among the top flight.

Actually, the top four positions were never in a peaceful condition this season. They have always been experiencing a change in occupants.Therefore, the winner of this season’s English Premier League will be one that will overcome this restiveness with the weapon of consistency.