Use Natural Foods Instead of Drugs For Erectile Dysfunction

Use Natural Foods Instead of Drugs For Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a serious problem. ED is found among men of any age but is most prevalent among males over 40 years of age. Statistics say that 50% men over 40 years old will have had ED at some point in their lives.

ED is caused by several things which include diet, inactive life-style, medications and problems such as stress, depression, poor blood circulation and general mindset. One must face these problems and deal with them or the problem is likely to never go away. By fixing these problems one could also improve sexual performance. Viagra and other enhancers are available to aid a man in performance but they have side effects and can be dangerous.

Viagra works by increasing the blood flow to the penis and restricting the arteries so the blood cannot leave the penis easily. It is the constriction of the arteries that sometimes is dangerous. Arteries not related to the libido, such as those located in the brain or chest, are also affected by the use of sexual enhancers. This undesired effect can cause heart attacks and strokes.

The eating of certain foods can also increase blood circulation and thereby increase the quality of one’s erection. By consuming the right foods one can also improve the erection quality. Simple internet searches will disclose foods to consume to aid in the reduction of ED problems. Here is a list of some of the foods to get started with.

Foods that are rich in nitrates are helpful. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels and enlarges arteries which increases blood flow. In addition, it promotes a healthy cardiovascular system thus enhancing sexual performance. Some foods rich in nitrates are: iceberg lettuce, beets, spinach, celery, basil, Swiss chard, Rhubarb and cilantro – for a bigger list refer to internet sites like: search Google for nitric oxide

Foods abundant with zinc are also important. Zinc and testosterone levels are closely related. Zinc is a primary element for one’s body to manufacture testosterone. Raise your zinc levels which will increase your testosterone levels by consuming clams, shellfish, oysters, shrimp, kidney beans, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, beef, chicken and pork. For a more complete list refer to other sites like: search Google for sites about zinc

Eat foods rich in flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect as antioxidants. Antioxidants have a beneficial effect on blood circulation. Additionally, antioxidants will help lower both cholesterol and blood pressure. High cholesterol and blood pressure both contribute to ED. Foods rich in flavonoids include berries, bananas, apples, tomatoes, red peppers, strawberries and red kidney beans. For more information refer to internet sites like: search Google sites about flavonoids

L- citrulline rich foods are helpful for your heart by aiding one’s kidneys in the production of nitric-oxide and L- arginine. Additionally, it will enhance one’s sexual stamina. Eat foods like watermelon, legumes, almonds and garlic. For a bigger list of L- citrulline rich foods go to internet sites such as: search Google for sites about L-citrulline

Consume foods with Lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. It enhances blood circulation and sexual health, and it is reported to help prevent prostate cancer and repair infertility. A lycopene rich diet is said to prevent heart disease, lower bad cholesterol, lower the risk of cancer and slow down degenerative diseases. Foods rich in lycopene include tomatoes, carrots, watermelon and red bell peppers. For a more complete list refer to internet sites like: search Google sites about lycopene

Erectile dysfunction is a serious problem that requires it to be taken seriously. The right foods can help fix problems like ED and aid in holding marriages together.