Using OTP Memory For Microchips is Great Anti-Piracy Protection

Using OTP Memory For Microchips is Great Anti-Piracy Protection

In this highly technological age, practically every aspect of big business is paperless. Although this evolution has greatly simplified the process of doing business, it has also left industries vulnerable to IC piracy attacks. In fact, intellectual theft costs American businesses billions of dollars in losses each and every year. One solution that tech teams should consider is using OTP (one-time-programmable) memory for their microchip devices instead. Here are some reasons why.

–Although the technology is not new (it was first developed in 1969), it is certainly reliable; and its capabilities have certainly been refined and improved over the years. It is virtually problem-free.

–It is relatively inexpensive. It is not unusual for companies to spend into the hundreds of thousands of dollars for other anti-piracy solutions, but OTP memory is easy to install and use at a mere fraction of that price.

–The random number system used by OTP memory allows the user to generate an identification number from a huge pool of possibilities. It is virtually impossible for pirates to detect a specific number when there are literally billions of possible combinations.

–A system using OTP can be adjusted to suit any particular preference or application. For example, it can be set to allow certain identification numbers to be retrieved only by authorized personnel.

–It is a system that is remarkably simple, yet powerfully effective.

In these difficult economic times, companies need to find anti-piracy techniques that really work and that are also cost-effective: OTP memory may be the IC protection solution you’ve been looking for.