Video Conference Uses In Government Sector

Video Conference Uses In Government Sector

Video Conferencing and Telepresence systems are transforming the way Central and State Government agencies communicate. Government agencies of all kinds are using this most advanced technology to increase productivity, reduce travel cost, and fulfill eco-friendly initiatives. These systems create virtual meeting experiences so realistic, makes the participants feel as if they are in the same room, even though they are located in different geographic areas, far away miles apart from each location.

The need to come at a meeting place from different geographic locations in not required, if these agencies use the most advanced video communication technologies. The need for government workers to travel for meeting is reduced, and helps in saving time and travel cost, hotel expenses, and in carbon dioxide emissions.

Central & State level Government Communication: The Video Conferencing or Telepresence system empowers agencies to function more efficiently helps to improve readiness and response, deliver timely, make quick decisions, and reduce costs using real-time collaboration. This all will help to increase the productivity and graph rise in growth and development. The Administration, Training and Defense departments of Central, State and Local Government can make use these technologies every day for countless applications. This will help to exchange information fast and make well informed decisions in timely manner.

Judicial & Corrections: The judicial process can get faster, improved and secured with Video communication system. It helps to reduce the transportation cost and security risks of inmates and security persons. It helps to in fast judgments and also makes ways to resolves the pending cases too.

Enhance Agency Relationships: The solutions help to improve coordination, create familiarity and develop trust in relationships between agencies with face-to-face communications, make the conversation more interactive. Provide opportunities for people to direct interact with the government officer/s to gain more knowledge.

Inter / Intra-Agency Communication: The video communication solutions can help agencies who are spread out in different location across the country.

Joint Planning: When it comes to planning which involves people from different geographical locations, Video Conferencing works out well where a quick response from the members of the conference is received to make a timely decision.

Multi-Organization coordination and collaboration: By using Video conferencing Coordinating with different organizations and departments in the Government sector for arranging a state wide or a central wide program becomes easy as the concerned Organization’s opinion and ideas are reached quickly making decision making a easy task.

The following are some of the few important points that can be done fast and easily through video conference.

Training and Education:

Operations continuity

Secure and Fast communications

Programs to outreach citizens and communities