View of the Bible Through the Book of Ezekiel

View of the Bible Through the Book of Ezekiel

This is one section of the bible that religious people tend to ignore. While most cannot understand it others see it as too condemning of their beliefs. It is also one of the most contradictory and controversial sections in the overall picture of spirituality. It was, however, one of the works the Spirit of the Universe had me read in order to complete the job of removing the wall of confusion.

Many visions given to me were answered in this work. In one there was food cooked to perfection when it was dumped into a toilet of human excreta. As the mix cooked together the hand returned and dished it out onto the plates of the hungry mob. It took a while to understand it but then the book of Ezekiel opened and these words were shown to me:

“And they meat which thou shall eat shall be by weight… and thou shall eat it as barley cakes… and bake it with dung that comes out of man in their sight” Ezekiel 4:10-12

No preacher can state what these words mean because the meat is the bible from which he preaches. It was cooked up in full view and the evidence of how and why it was done is part of history and readily available.

“Even thus shall the Children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the gentiles whither I will lead them, said God” ibid 4:13

To know to whom this refers one must go to Isaiah 5:4,6 to discover they are the spiritual children who have grown in God’s vineyard after the seed was sown in the soil of humanity. My reincarnation proves that we have all returned six times (Job 5:1-21) and each time the children of Israel have been tested. The garden is full of rocks, weeds, manure, and other things to help the plants to grow to perfection.

With a strong link to the Spirit it has requested of me to remove the wall of blindness that is the result of the pollution by men. This is mostly in the bible where those who influenced it were able to insert their own passages and alter prophecies to suit their dreams.

“And one built up a wall and others daubed it with untempered morter” Ezekiel 13:10

The wall was constructed out of the Islamic religion of Babylon. It stylised the sun-star into a woman whom they named ‘Mary’ and men decided they could ‘marry Mary’ by dying on the cross at dawn.

In the last days the wall is determined to be removed, but not without major conflict.

“So will I break down the wall… and bring it down to the ground, so that the foundation thereof shall be discovered, and it shall fall, and ye shall be consumed in the midst thereof: and ye shall know that I am God” ibid 13:14

The purpose of the plan is to show the identity of the real God at the end of the day of the lord. This was outlined in another vision that showed it is 4,000 years long. The extreme darkness over the earth was intentional so that no power would be felt for some 2,000 years since Constantine started Christianity, based on the Islamic Roman Religion. He is 666 in Revelation 13:12-18.

Jerome who came after ‘cooked the book’ as it were when he compiled and wrote the New Testament, which is a fictional word to promote Jesus Christ, whom the emperor invented. He supplied the untempered morter in the form of fear generated by the heaven and hell scenario.

Neither of these places exist, however, because we have all reincarnated and now we are at the end of the day. Their additions to the bible and religious confusion happened almost 2,000 years ago and from that time no one has known the identity of God. Now the Spirit is pouring out over those who are separating from the lies and turning towards the truth that they so desperately seek.

While the bible is so polluted and the confusion reigns because of it the Book of Ezekiel helps to rip down the wall and show some light into the darkness. In a vision it was shown how that light will increase in strength and push the black out into space and the earth will once more shine brightly.