Virtumonde – The Malicious Spyware

Virtumonde – The Malicious Spyware

Life is unimaginable without the blessings of science and technology. However we can never ignore the banal effects of the same and the ill intention of those who take undue advantages of the available resources to make life hell for others. A computer virus is a perfect example created by technical geeks who could program expertly to create disaster.

Virtumonde is a spyware that fakes virus threat to steal away your credentials, slows down your system and pose security threat for windows based system, especially Windows XP and 2000. The catch about this virus is its characteristic feature to remain hidden from most of the anti virus software, get rarely detected and multiply tremendously without the user’s slightest awareness. It is a malicious pop up advertisement and keeps reoccurring even though the internet explorer or all websites are closed. This spyware has been identified to create Dynamic Library Link that has a capacity to memorize the keystrokes and get linked to different websites. It would appear and multiply every time the combination of key strokes are discovered, and get generated when not found running as a process. The virus sits in the Layered Service Provider and threatens the security of the user. It tries to steal the user information and its continuous process degrades the memory and CPU of your system. The spyware installs in the system automatically without the user’s consent. The history of this virus goes back to 2004 but strangely it still exists due to difficult detection by renowned and frequently used anti virus tools and software.

Typical symptoms of Virtumonde are

o It pops up like advertisement

o It keeps coming up after you close websites

o It disables the task manager, desktop wallpaper, Registry Editor, basically everything that attempts to kill the virus automatically

Remedies to remove Virtumonde

o Spyware Cease detects the presence of and fixes all virus threats by Virtumonde and can be downloaded for free.

o Virtumonde can be manually fixed by computer experts by removing.dll extension files like access.dll or unregister lspak.dll,rulesak.dll from the infected drive (mostly the C drive gets infected) and then rebooting the system.

Please note, if you reboot your machine without removing the virus infected file, it does not get cleared on its own, but keeps coming up repeatedly. So acquaint yourself with the symptoms and remedies of the virus as a precaution.