Visit the Birthplace of Italian Opera

Visit the Birthplace of Italian Opera

When we think of the word Opera many of us think about Italy and operas in Italian. Italian opera is a mixture of the beautiful language and the history of the Italian people. Opera originates in Italy and still today it inspires people to learn the language, history and the culture from the stories and the experience. It is a very romantic experience, listening to opera sung in Italian at one of the famous opera houses in a majestic city. Especially as the majority of Opera’s are about telling the story of love or heartbreak. Many opera lovers. travel to Italy to see an opera and visit the famous Italian opera houses although this experience isn’t just for opera fans. These kind of holidays are suitable for anyone who wishes to encounter a new European culture which is rich with historical significance. Why not visit the beautiful cities of Italy which are full of exquisite buildings from throughout the centuries.

There are many cities visitors go in search of Italian opera the top being Verona, Venice, Florence, Rome, Milan, Naples and Pisa. They are the cities where opera began and are still thriving today; they are very popular with tourists not just for opera but for the food, sights, shopping and the romantic feel. There are many famous opera houses across Italy but La Scala in Milan would be considers top of the list. It is world-renowned since its opening in 1778. People would visit from all over the world to see Opera’s singers perform here. Other famous opera houses are Teatro San Carlo in Naples and Pisa’s Teatro Verdi, all hundreds of years old and still with the best acoustics and lavish interiors. Opera can’t just be found in the big famous cities, travel the quaint villages in Italy and visit local trattoria’s which have a relaxed, rustic and friendly atmosphere. Lesser known or local opera’s are found in Italy as well as festivals or small concerts.

Travelling to Italy on its own is a fantastic holiday, but adding a night out to an Italian opera makes it a very memorable holiday. There is such a choice of destinations from the cities and opera that are playing at the time. When tourists visit Italy, many people often visit more than one city or town and do a tour via train. As it’s the easiest way to get around Italy and you can visit many cities and enjoy a different opera each night. Italian opera stands the test of time it is a must do, so do it. Get tickets and visit the country it was born and have a timeless trip.