Want To Make Your Man Commit? Follow These Steps

Want To Make Your Man Commit? Follow These Steps

You want your man to commit to being your man or even more so marriage, right? Somehow you think there’s some magic chant or spell to do this but the truth is you hold the power. Holding the power won’t do anything either because you have to use it. Here are the steps to using the power you already have to make your man commit.

Power of Thought:

The power of thought and how you think about yourself is the strongest tool you have. Think about yourself as a happy person, a likeable person, a fun person to be around, a self sufficient and strong person and a person that is an honor to have as a friend or companion. As you think it will become. In order to get more from him you have to give better of yourself. That would be that fun energetic person inside you. Line your thoughts up to be committable.

Neither your man nor anyone else can make you happy, you have to be happy from within. If you want him to love you to the degree of commitment you’ll have to love yourself to that degree.

What You Seek You Must Become

Think about your man and what it is about if you love so much. Is it his masculinity, his good nature, or patience, understanding or his strength? Reflect them back to him and he’ll be committable to the relationship. Be feminine, easy going, patient and understanding but be strong, self sufficient, reliable and trustworthy. Be supportive and free to compliment him. Accentuate the positive and downplay the negative.

Likes attract like. That statement simply means that people are comfortable with those that reflect similar qualities to them.  By downplaying any negatives you are reflecting only positive and that will cause a return reflection back of more good than negative.  Build up your image of self and he’ll commit because your too good a catch to let go of.

Basics to Defining Self

The very basics of getting your man to commit are:

  • Be a happy go lucky personality
  • Be feminine, wear womanhood proudly
  • Be strong and self sufficient, not a whiny and needy
  • Be at ease and patient with yourself and him
  • Be trustworthy and trusting, nothing worse than accusations unfounded
  • Show positive attitude and compassion for others, how he sees you treat others is how he believes he’ll be treated
  • Be a good companion but don’t hog his space or relinquish yours. Remain the person he liked.
  • Be sensuously sexy in his presence but not in the presence of his friends.

Build him up as the image of the perfect man and he will commit to you.