We Need To Elect Public Leaders, Willing To DIRECT Us, Properly!

We Need To Elect Public Leaders, Willing To DIRECT Us, Properly!

Although, we often, witness, many people, complain about elected officials, it seems, only, rarely, does the electorate, take the time, and/ or, make a concerted effort, to demand, these individuals, are, ready, willing, and able, to, consistently, correctly, DIRECT us, on the right course, and direction, to make this nation, the best it can, be, today, and, into the future! It is, not, enough, for elected representatives, to, simply, do the same – old, same – old, instead of putting their personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest, ahead of the nation’s, best – interests! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Delve deeply; direction/ directives; discover; discuss; deliver: Partisan politics, is, one of the essential factors/ reasons, it seems, so few officials, are willing to delve deeply, with an open – mind! We need people, who put us, in the right direction, by having the self – confidence, and ability, to provide directives, which help us, discover, the best possibilities! They must be willing to articulate an inspiring message, and openly, discuss, the possibilities, and opportunities, with all his constituents, not, only, his core supporters! Instead of, empty promises, and rhetoric, he must over – deliver, for this country!

2. Integrity; imagination; innovate; involve; invest: Why does it seem, there is so little, absolute integrity? They must invest in us, by having a well – developed, imagination, and a willingness, to innovate, as needed! How one involves, all Americans, and seeks a meeting – of – the – minds, for the greater – good, often, determines, his impact!

3. Relevant; responsive; responsibility; right: Why can’t our representatives, focus, on, doing, what’s right? Shouldn’t their actions, be relevant, and responsible, assuming personal responsibility, for the potential ramifications?

4. Empathy; efforts; evaluate; emphasis; excellence/ enrich: When leaders, effectively, listen, and learn, they become capable of proceeding with a sufficient degree of genuine empathy, and, thus, placing, their emphasis, accordingly! One must, constantly, evaluate his efforts, and demand his utmost degree of true excellence, rather than accepting, good – enough, and the same – old, same – old! Only then, will their service, enrich constituents, and the nation, etc!

5. Character; caring; coordinate; consider: Only, individuals, with the highest, quality of personal character, will, consistently, emphasize, doing what’s right, instead of, merely, expedient! A caring, official, considers the options, and potential ramifications, in a relevant, and sustainable manner, in order to consider, the wisest course of action!

6. Timely; time – tested; truth; trust; together: We need to elect people, who try to bring us, together, rather than proceed, in an adversarial manner, and leads to polarization! To achieve this, requires, well – considered, timely action, using time – tested, knowledge, experience, and expertise! In order to earn, constituent’s trust, they must, tell the truth, even, when it may not be convenient!

Wake up, America, and elect officials, who are ready, willing, and able, to DIRECT us, to the finest way, forward! Will you be a more – responsible, voter?