Web Content Management Systems Are Effective Only When the Processes Are in Sync

Web Content Management Systems Are Effective Only When the Processes Are in Sync

1. An early start

Creating a policy document that would act as a guideline for a successful WCM strategy that would have clarity in terms of decision-making with regard to content and allocation of content. Confusion at a later stage can be avoided if conversations are documented in the beginning.

2. Locate a sponsor

Organizations are in need of someone influential who would act as a mediator as and when there are disagreements and to set a course. The designated person ought to be sort of a project manager and not simply someone authorized to sign checks.

3. A steering committee for WCM

A team across departments ought to have meetings early on and frequently to create workflows so that content can be approved and validated, proofread and edited, scheduled archived and deleted. Undoubtedly steering committees are vital as the group would be able to think clearly about the basic WCM rules. However, these groups are known for the creation of workflows that may appear to be foolproof but could lead to complications in reality. If the process for approval of a WCM is lengthy then that is considered as a hindrance.

4. Fresh content

Content ought to be fresh so that presence on the web is indeed a success. Without any ownership of content, the content will be outdated. Owners cannot be held responsible though as there might be a lack of resources in terms of establishing criteria that are clear as to the frequency of review of content and whether outdated information needs to be archived or deleted.

The flow of new content steadily from business groups is few and far between. To ensure a steady flow of content, new content that is created could be linked with processes for publishing. A checkbox, for example, could be created which would indicate that new content is ready for posting on a website.

5. Feedback analysis

To define policies and workflows are all well and good. Organizations, however, need to be able to quantify success. To begin with, there are a few indicators that would ascertain as to whether or not the objectives of the site have been met. The performance of a site, in other words, would depend on whether or not revenues in addition to what a business may be generating without using the site is being generated through the site, whether sales leads are generated through the site, and last but not the least, whether customer service is improving as a result of the site.

Traffic analytics tools could be used for further feedback analysis with accuracy. Organizations would benefit by using analytics deftly and the data could show the path to owners of content as to how they should give shape and update content.

WCM consultants are of the opinion that all these pieces of the puzzle as it were ought to be in place prior to deploying the system. Even if websites “go live” in a hurry, the website can be WCM integrated later on.

If a system or the lack of it is beyond control, then it’s even more necessary to have teams and processes in place. The processes that are currently in place needs to be audited as well so that the existing processes can be streamlined and improved for a better performing WCM.

Latest trends in CMS

Both WordPress, and Drupal, for example, are free and open source software licensed under General Public License and are written primarily in PHP. WordPress only supports MySQL database management systems, while Drupal supports other database management systems in addition to MySQL. Themes and templates are used so that sites appear visually along with plugins, modules, or extensions for advanced features. Since these are open source software, therefore they are projects initiated by the community.