What Are The Benefits Of Using PayPal On eBay?

What Are The Benefits Of Using PayPal On eBay?

PayPal and eBay are both leaders in their respective categories. eBay is among the biggest online stores you can find, and PayPal is the most widely used website for online money transfers for individuals and businesses. Millions of shoppers visit eBay, and similarly, millions of dollars are transacted through PayPal.

PayPal is now owned by eBay, and this has allowed these two companies to come together to work closely. This move is helping both these businesses because the buyers and sellers both benefit from the association.

Using PayPal On eBay – The Benefits

There are various benefits of using PayPal on eBay. Here are some of them.

Security: Buying online is often a major concern for a lot of people. This is because they have to provide their credit card details, and there are many who are not quite comfortable doing this because online credit card frauds do happen. But when a person is paying through PayPal, there is no need to enter the credit card details in the website. The details are already there in his or her PayPal account. The person will just need to enter the PayPal password in the shopping cart page, and the amount will be automatically deducted from PayPal. So this means completely safe online shopping.

Though eBay is a safe website for shopping, there are many who feel more comfortable when they are paying through their PayPal accounts.

The security aspect is good for the sellers too because if the buyers feel assured, the sellers can end up making more sales.

Convenience: eBay is a web store that stocks hundreds, even thousands of products, and there are some people who are regular shoppers here. This means whenever they are buying something new, they have to fill out the form and furnish their card details again, and this can become an irritant. Using PayPal allows them to avoid this. Such details are already entered in PayPal and each time they shop there is no need to repeat the process.

It is very convenient for the sellers as well. Whenever the sale is made, the buyer receives an email that informs about the value of the sale and it also includes the buyer details. The money is directly deposited to the sellers PayPal account that can be withdrawn anytime.

Product Delivery: Buyers can protect their investments if they are buying through PayPal. For example, if for some reason the seller fails to deliver the product, the buyer will be able to pull back the money spent. Just raise a dispute and the amount paid will be frozen. Most people who use PayPal, know this and feel reassured about their purchase. This is good for the marketplace because sellers will always deliver what is promised.

PayPal Is Easy and Free

PayPal is very easy to use and it is completely free as well. You can open your account completely free with your email address.