What Determines Twitter Follower Order? – A Quick Guide

What Determines Twitter Follower Order? – A Quick Guide

What Determines Twitter Follower Order?

Twitter has became one of the fastest growing social networking sites online. It is easy to accumulate a large number of friends and followers in a very short amount of time. The difficulty I have experienced is knowing how to find someone that is following me that I want to tweet with for any particular reason. I have found myself going through page after page of followers looking for their name or icon so I can tweet with them. This made me start to wonder what determines twitter follower order? I discovered two ways that help shed some light on how Twitter determines your follower order.

Icon Grid Follower Status

After you login to your main page on Twitter you are given two options to access those that are following you. On the right hand side of the column the first thing you will notice is the icon grid follower status. This is a grid six by six that shows small faces of those that are following you. How is it determined who appears in your grid status? The truth is a script displays random faces of those that are following you. You can log in several times and you will see different faces in different places each time. There is no logic to the faces that appear in this grid they are all random. So if you have more than thirty-six people following you at a time you will not be able to find that person you are looking for very easily through this method.

Followers/View All Link

Since the icon grid follower status is not much help if you have hundreds or thousands of followers you have two other options to find your friends in Twitter. You may either click right below the icon grid follower status and select ‘View All’ or you may click the Followers link up at the top underneath the number of followers you have. Both links take you to the same page. This is where you will have pages of followers that seem to have no order to them.

What determines twitter follower order? The most recent individuals that started following you will be on page one and the individuals that started following you a long time ago are towards the end. The order is based upon when they started following you. The latest person to follow you will be in the number one spot on page one. So if you are looking for someone specific you need to know about when they started following you. When they began following you determines the order they appear in Twitter.