What Happened, To The Land, Of The FREE?

What Happened, To The Land, Of The FREE?

How often, have you heard, someone say, something, about the land of the FREE, and the home of the brave? The basic concepts, this nation was founded on, and established as, by our Founding Fathers, appears to many, as being, under – attack, and its sustainability questioned, which should be concerning, to all Americans, regardless of political beliefs, and preferences! If Americans lose their rights, freedoms, and justice, as we have experienced, and focused on, since the establishment of the United States Constitution, what will that mean, for future generations, as well as our ability to stand – out, in the rest of the world, as the principled promoters of human rights, and freedoms? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, the future of America, largely depends on our citizens recognizing and demanding these rights!

1. Faithful; freedoms; future; fruition; facts: We must demand, our public officials, remain faithful, to the facts! Although, everyone is entitled to their opinions, it is irresponsible to create fake – facts, to perpetuate one’s personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest! All freedoms, for all people, regardless of whether we believe in them, or not, must be guaranteed! The future of our nation, demands, leaders fully consider options/ alternatives, in a focused way, paying keen attention, on the needs of future Americans. We need leaders, who try to bring our people together, in a unifying way, instead of polarizing them, by appealing to only certain segments of the population, with vitriol, and empty promises/ rhetoric!

2. Relevant; responsible/ responsive; realistic; rational; rationale; reasons: Ask public officials, their reasons for their rationale, and its impact on the future of the nation, and mankind! We will only conform to the principles, and ideals, of our Founding Fathers, when/ if, proposals and actions are relevant, responsive, and responsive to our priorities, as set forth in the Constitution. Without these, our nation will lose its direction, and proud heritage!

3. Excellence; enduring: Until/ unless, the focus is on true, longer – term, sustainable, excellence, it must not endure, or, we risk, losing, what has always made this nation great! There’s no room for partisan hatred and bickering, when the utmost duty must be, to, consistently, make certain, all Americans are granted the equal rights, freedoms, liberties, and justice!

4. Empathy; emphasis; energize; enlightened: Our nation must focus on all our citizens. This includes their rights, etc, as well as their overall perceptions. American leaders must proceed with the utmost degree of genuine empathy, and place their emphasis on unifying, instead of polarizing! This energizing, enlightened behavior, is needed, to make America, remain, as great, as the Founding Fathers, envisioned!

If we are to be, the land of the FREE, this requires the attitude, and mind – set, which promotes, I will oppose your opinions, when I believe them, to be unjust, and/ or, wrong, but, will fight for your rights, to express them. Wake up, America, before today;s polarizing atmosphere, brings about, a debilitating future, and loss of America’s identity, and purpose!