What If She’s Nervous Around You? How to Use This Situation to Your Advantage

What If She’s Nervous Around You? How to Use This Situation to Your Advantage

When you get better with approaching new women, you’ll find it easier and easier to just walk up to a woman, say “Hi,” and ask for her name. You’ll also realize that most women are actually nice and talk to you, while only a few are unfriendly or act cold towards you. But what do you do when she suddenly acts nervous when you talk to her?

Nervous women are a cute bunch — their eyes dart to the floor when you say Hi, and they twiddle their fingers through their hair and laugh sheepishly whenever she says anything. It doesn’t even matter if they look attractive and independent — the right approach can send shivers up their spine.

Now, friendly women are easy enough to deal with — after all, it’s easy to find an enjoyable conversation. Unfriendly women are also easy to deal with — you just say “Thanks for the time,” and walk away. But nervous women are a different breed — neither of the two previous approaches seem to be a good idea to do!

To deal with nervous women successfully, you’ll need to first understand why they feel nervous around you. Think about it — women, especially the more attractive ones, are approached by men all the time. These women are probably used to seeing a man trying to act gentlemanly, kissing up to them and trying to make them like him. This is normal.

But when a guy comes along who doesn’t seem to be affected by her beauty or charm, she immediately wonders what’s wrong. Isn’t he attracted to me? Why is he talking to me so easily? Why is he making me feel this way? This is why women sometimes feel nervous around certain men — they simply don’t know how to feel.

In other words, if she’s nervous around you, then it’s a good sign — she’s feeling strange things towards you. But if you keep trying to talk to her, you’ll make her even more nervous — and that can compel her to turn around and walk away. Naturally, you wouldn’t want that to happen.

So what’s the best thing to do in this situation? Simple — just go halfway between finding an interesting conversation and walking away. In other words, get her number!

If she’s being nervous, just prepare to leave. But before you do, ask if you can have her number. You’ll keep her nervousness from rising, but at the same time you’re giving her the opportunity to see you again. If she’s a nice girl, she’ll give you her number. You can then touch base with her after a few days to ask if she’d like to meet up for coffee or tea later in the week.

Here’s a tip — ask for her e-mail first. E-mail is less intrusive than phone calls, since she can take her time in typing up a reply, and she doesn’t have to really go out of her way to take your call. Ask for her e-mail first, THEN her number. The interesting conversation can wait until the first date, so take it slow.