What Is Creativity Coaching?

What Is Creativity Coaching?

You’ve probably heard of coaching; life coaching, career coaching, executive coaching… the list goes on. In a general sense, a coach is a professional that can help you develop a fresh perspective, problem solve, set goals and support you as you work toward reaching those goals. So what’s a Creativity Coach and why would anyone need one?

Many people think of themselves as not being creative or they put limits on their creativity. You may be one of these people. You might think there isn’t a creative bone in your body. You may think that you are creative at work or in other specific areas but not as an “artist” or a “writer.” You may be a professional artist, performer or writer who has times that you “get stuck” and can’t seem to find inspiration or discipline. Basically ANYONE could benefit from this type of personal growth work because MOST OF US have had experiences that may in some way make it hard for us to create.

What can a Creativity Coach do for you?

A Creativity Coach does some of the basic coaching things I described above but also much more. They can help you with multiple aspects of your creative life or lack thereof. Blocks in creativity can be related to a variety of issues that are practical, emotional, existential and psychological. A coach can help you figure out where to get started or support you in working on issues of confidence that may be stopping you from achieving your goals such as writing that novel or performing on stage. A coach in this line of work typically has some type of experience in the creative arts and understands the difficulties that can arise during the creative process.

Why did I decide to become a Creativity Coach?

I believe that the arts (drawing, music, dance, etc.) are the language of our deepest human connection. They help us tap into the healing that is within all of us. You are an artist. You are a poet. You are a singer. You are a dancer. I believe you were at birth. What happened? Maybe you’ve been able to hold onto it and flourish in your creativity but sometimes you hit roadblocks and need some support to get going again. Maybe you feel your “creative self” was stolen from you by circumstance or life experience but you want it back. Maybe you feel like no one ever tended that garden but you know there are seeds buried under there that can grow and flourish with some help.

I’ve been there. This field is important to me because I’ve seen others flourish through arts exploration and I’ve had profound personal experiences myself, but I hear from many people that they are not creative or they don’t know how to unlock that creativity. Working with a Creativity Coach can help create movement in these areas.

What can you expect from Creativity Coaching?

  • identifying and developing creativity goals
  • formulating plans that build on your skills
  • holding you accountable for making progress
  • supporting and encouraging your success
  • increase abilities in personal expression
  • utilizing arts modalities to gain personal insights
  • deeper personal exploration through the arts
  • work toward healing unresolved “old pains”


“I’d love to paint or draw but I’m just not creative and I don’t know how to get started.”

This person could use some help making plans for getting started and work on those negative thoughts that are sending them the message that they’re not creative.

“I’m not sure where this fear about painting is coming from, maybe because my parents always told me it was a waste of time.”

This person could use some support to heal from these old wounds about not being good enough or their creativity being a waste of time.

Thanks for reading!