What Is Raclette?

What Is Raclette?

The name “raclette” (pronounced ruck-lett in English) designates a semi-firm Swiss cheese, made from cow’s milk, which is usually used for melting. This cheese is round shaped and normally averages 6kgs (13 lb).

However, the term ‘Raclette’ is also a dish indigenous to parts of Switzerland and the Savoy region of France. The traditional dish can be described as melted cheese, eaten with boiled/roasted potatoes and accompanied by small gherkins, pickled onions and dried meats (like smoked ham).

Legend has it that a local shepherd from the Swiss Alps valleys set up camp for the night and the cheese that was lying around on stones at meal time, accidentally melted near the open fire. Not wanting to waste any of the cheese, the shepherd proceeded to scrape the cheese off the rock and tasted it. He loved it and the idea of melting the cheese quickly spread to other shepherds, farmers and to the rest of the people in the valley. And so the Raclette Cheese became famous for its melting abilities. At that time, the meals were accompanied by gherkins (pickled cucumber) and small onions which were part of the swiss shepherds/farmers regular diet. To drink, they had kirsch (cherry liqueur), herbal tea or Fendant (local white wine).

Modern electrical appliances that are used to prepare the dish are called raclette grills with small pans, known as coupelles, to heat slices of raclette cheese in. Generally the grill is surmounted by a hot plate, granite stone or griddle. The cheese is brought to the table sliced, accompanied by platters of boiled or steamed potatoes, other vegetables and the dried meats.

And although the method of melting the cheese has changed over time, the meal in itself maintains its simplicity and is quite easy to make. This simplicity allows for a lot of ‘twists’ to be incorporated, making it very adaptable and easy to personalize for different occasions or tastes. Because it makes use of the simplest of ingredients, it’s becoming an all-time favorite for parties, dining with friends and even those special ‘single couple’ nights.

The traditional raclette dish originated in Switzerland, and is therefore one of the country’s best loved dishes, but it’s also very popular in other parts of Europe such as France and Germany and also gaining an increasing number of fans in the U.S. In turn, this rising of popularity lead to numerous raclette recipes that now include a lot more ingredients than when it was invented, which will keep you trying out new combinations for a long time.